'Tis the Season

Well the weather outside is frightful, so that means it's winter, and Christmas is around the corner.I know that Christmas is coming every December 25Th. but why am I always so surprised when it sneaks up on me? This year should be a lot of fun with Abe. He really doesn't know what's going on....but we do. I think next year he'll understand a little more. It's just fun having a little one to enjoy the holidays with. Everything is so new to them. And every day he has something new to say or some funny thing to make us all laugh.
Which brings me to my Christmas picture.....How cute is that? And of course I had to share Santa's lap with John Edward, we did everything together! It was like we were twins. Looking back on it now,I was so lucky to have my little bro. Although I It was okay, it actually was more fun sharing my childhood with someone else. John and I were pretty much together all the time,actually me, John, Jerry, and Jeanie were together all the time.
Anywho our Christmases were the best. We each had a space for our toys. The whole livingroom was covered.It was pretty spectacular. Mom really worked hard to make a very special day for each one of us.So with eight kids the room was preetyy much covered, and there were no gifts under the tree, becauseeveryone couldn't fit their presents there. I remember that we were allowed to get into our stockings before Mom and Dad woke up, but we couldn't open anything else. And Griff was the worst. He would try to talk you into opening before Mom and Dad came down....he was naughty. We never did , we always waited for Mom and Dad. They were always very tired. I wonder why? So Merry Christhmas, and HO, ho ho, and have a great Holiday.
Looks like old Santa Clause in the picture was pretty tired too! Hopefully he didn't push you down the slide with his foot like in "The Christmas Story." HO HO HO :)
I hope you have a fantastic Christmas with your family. Miss you all!
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