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I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Thursday, July 02, 2009

We have had several folks from my era that have passed away. Ed McMahan, who was the right hand man of Johnny Carson for so many years. I couldn't wait to be old enough to stay up late and watch that show. He was also involved with a 70's-80's Star Search, that maybe younger people than me know about more than the Tonight Show. Farrah Fawcett, who definitely defined the 70's , not only with her role on Charlie's Angels, but her hairstyle and actually her style in general, certainly her poster was in every adolescents bedroom . We all wanted to look and dress like her. Michael Jackson passed the same day as Farrah, and I was sorta ticked off at the hoopla. For sure we all must give him accolades for all his accomplishments in the music industry. He started out with his brothers as a youngster, so you either grew up with him, or watched him grow over the years. He certainly had talent especially with initiating new trends, breaking barriers in music , and breaking boundaries in dancing, music, and clothes. He was known all over the world.
I can't stand it any more, the last ten or so years of his life he was an absolute freak. He went from this sweet little boy from a large family to this creepy man who wore masks and wigs, and talked like his voice box was going to break if he spoke. He hung out with some questionable people,eg. movie stars like Liz Taylor , Liza ( maybe he was trying to figure out why he was so " F"d up, by being with people that grew up in entertainment like him.) and children, like McCauley Culkin, Carlton from Fresh Prince( he was in a Pepsi or Coke commercial with Michael as a young child), even Sean Lennon hung out with Jackson. Then all the creepy surgeries, and all the face/color of his skin changes. Let's not even talk about being in the Iron Lung time frame. What's up with that?
He turned 50 years old, and it's not eccentric to act that way, it's freaking weird. I know the man has had lots of issues growing up, but man you got lots of money, get a therapist. He is not someone that I would like to pay homage to .....he freaked out. My guess no one told him he was Wacko-Jacko cause they wanted his money, sorta like Anna-Nicole, although she had no talent to speak of, Michael did, for sure. Here we are talking about how great he was.....I'm thinking not so much in the last 10-15 years. So it really makes me look at a person's life, do you want all that fame and money? At what costs? To be with people that just tell you what you want to hear, and could care less about you or your well-being. To me he was a freak....who had talent at one time. Very sad.
The bottom line is, he was sort of queer, his family is probly going to make the most of his death. I predict tours of, what the hell is his place called? Wonderland, or Neverland , I don't know. It's right up there with Graceland, and people are still making $ off Elvis. Isn't this a sad take on our society?


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