Outerbanks 2011
Brianne made us all CD's to start the festivities, that 14 hour drive is a lot to handle, we all had our requests, and were to play the music as you drive over the bridge.
We could go directly to O'Maley's (Old Navy's, as Abe thought we were calling them all week) who had arrived at their house on Friday.....free day at the beach till our house was ready. Winning!
Tim had surprised us all with T-shirts that actually suited each one of us....mine was the best It's Beer-thirty! Beach balls for all the kids, Sammy kicked his every day!
My brother Griff joined us this year, and it's always fun to see a newcomer experience all this for the first time. I feel very blessed to spend this time with my brothers that I don't get to see enough. We walked every morning and had good talks.
On the very first day Sam actually fell asleep on the beach. It used to take the babies a week to get into that mode, good omen. That never happened again, oh well, next year, maybe.
Abe took to the ocean like he had one in his backyard. We had to drag him out or bribe with Doritos. He had a blast. He had lots of extra people to take him in, and loved each one that helped him out. I think he connected with each person there in his own way. He is a very special little boy.
Bri and Jake have this tag team thing going on with the boys, and they really have it down pat. Having a two year old at the beach can be tough. Sam woke up no later than 6-6:30 every day, but would totally crash at 7:30 so the rents had some freedom.
The weather and ocean were somewhat bazarre this year, from ice cold water that changed daily to high winds and even fog. even the lifegaurds said it was unusual. The conditions were kinda tough for Sam. There was a giant backyard at this place that really worked out well for the kids to run around in. Even the sprinklers cooperated every so often and Sam loved them.
Guitar night on the gazebo was great, but rain pulled us into the house, which was good, cause for that night there was no wind at all, almost eerie and this old gal got very hot. Everyone did a piece. Chris O'Maley even sang Mr. Tanner, Mackenzie sang and Jaci played a song. It really was special to me to have these younger girls feel comfortable enough to take part.
Jake did a great song about being on the "B" list with Steve Burkett, that I laughed till I thought I would cry. Robby played Dear Prudence and Jer and Griff sang, which will always be a great memory for me. It was awesome.
Rob and Griff played some songs together and The Word Man knew the words, it's all magical.
Robby had this warlock game, that I still don't know if I ever will understand how to play. It was a big hit. Spoons is more up my ally, hey why didn't we play that?
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