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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Friday, July 22, 2005

Weekend at Debbie's

I cannot believe that all of us could make it the same weekend. And it has been such a long time that we've all been togeather. God bless that Debbie Beck that made the whole thing happen. We got to see all our old buds from Richmond and guess what, that doesn't happen too often. The Burkett's the O'Maley's Debbie and Brian, and of course Debbie and Tim Beck .Okay as soon as I got out of the car I was laughing. My hair is red okay, it was a big fat shock to me ,it's not like I asked for that color,and it happened the day before we left, and I'm stuck. Well my new friends at Memorial hospital saw my hair and they saw it blonde the day before, said NO-THING. My old buddy Steve was like , "Jill what the hell is with your hair? " Hello, true friend! Even Big Rob was afraid to say what he really thought,because the poor man lives with me okay, and he wanted to have a fun weekend. Steve Burkett on the other hand has nothing to loose. He loves me, but my hair was _QUEER. Here's visual for ya...a cross between Little Orphan Annie and Joy from "The View". So okay that was an easy laugh whenever there was a lull in conversation. (And with that group ,there is hardly ever a lull in conversation,so don't feel too bad for me.)
The ladies all went to lunch at a I think it was a Tibetin restraunt , (is it resteraunt or restraunt, who cares, I don't have spell check, if I do I don't know how to use it. I am Jill I am computer illiterate. ) Anywho, I ordered something and it looked like stuff they eat on survivor, really it did . And these other ladies love this kinda stuff and I think they agreed , it looked like worms.They all tasted it, noone said they loved it. It looked like freakin worms.
I went to the bathroom ,I got locked in. Now I was working the knob,and didn't realize that I might have been alittle frantic,because when I got out, the ladies were all looking my way,and I heard a roar of laughter when I got the door open. Alright this is me without an once of liquer. So the rest of the weekend was much of the same . I was with people that laughed at me and it didn't matter ,because I know they love me no matter what color my hair is.
When we went out later with the guys there was a table of large women that all must have gone to my hairdresser in Evansville because they had my same look. No one made fun of them. They must not have good friends. I haven't had so much fun in months.


Blogger Bri said...

I liked your blog ... and there is a spell check, I will show you where it is sometime, but I like the mispelled words better.

July 27, 2005  
Blogger INSwimmer said...

Here is the spell check.
But I agree with Bri, I think the misspelled words are better left alone.

July 27, 2005  

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