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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Had A Duckie Time

There is a time and a place to be cutesy and that time is at a baby shower and the place was mama D's house. The overdose of duckidom was seen in every nook and cranny of the house. From the floaty duckies to the freakish animated duck singing,"If your happy and you know it clap your hands." which totally threw Ozzie dog for a loop. There were duckies,monkeys, bears (some Chicago some not) and just boy stuff. There were laughs and giggles and the cutest baby toys ever. And it's just fun to see these tiny little onsies that are eventually going to worn by this little moving basketball that Bri is hauling around under her shirt. He's made his move and has gotten into position to make his entrance into the world. Isn't nature something? This kid is loaded with all the necessities of every little infant needs.

It was so fun seeing Bri's girlfriends, and some of my girlfriends. We had the ugliest cartoon colored looking cupcakes that I was trying to get over. Then LuAnne showed up with these beautiful silver trays full of her sweet treats that would make any French Pastry chef be proud. She saved the day, thank goodness. Ugly fluorescent cupcakes replaced! The white chocolate mousse thingys were to die for,pecan squares, chocolate rasberyy tarty things, but my favs were the lemon delights. Yummy.

Thanks to all of you to help prepare my young'uns for their sweet little boy. Cause, I don't know if anyone is really prepared for the task of being parents. For right now, they have everything they could want, and they are so lucky to have you all around to help them along the way. Brianne was blown away by the generous and thoughtful gifts. Now it's just a waiting game. And you ladies all had good advice and lots of well wishing, and made Bri feel sooo good with all of you there. And you all made me feel pretty good too. And in a few weeks we will get to meet our little "Tiger Woods"..... or whatever.(sorry Bri) And we'll keep ya all posted.

Sunday morning we sat and hugged all the blankets and pulled out the cute little outfits and reviewed the contraptions that our little Einstein will be using, and it just makes you more excited than ever. Some things to make life easier for Mom and Dad or safer for the babe. Some to make the baby smarter, some things to stimulate the little bugger, some help put baby to sleep.(Which, in my opinion they'll take out of the packaging first). Everything was totally appreciated and I hope you could see that in Bri's big smile. If there is one trait that I hope my little Grandson has of his Mommy, it's her good hearty laugh, that you can hear even when you are at the other end of the house. And when I hear that, all is good. Saturday her laughter filled the house. It was great!


Blogger Keenan said...

I SO wished I could have been there! It sounds like it was a perfect shower for a perfect Mom-to-be! And, Baby D is one lucky baby to have a Grandmomma like you, Jillsy!

August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so blessed and thankful to have so many great people in my life!! Everyone went WAY overboard on the gifts, and this baby is SO SPOILED already. I am experiencing a Baby Shower Hangover as we speak.

August 07, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was a fun shower and it was so good to see everyone! I'm ready for the Baby D fashion extravaganza show!! He'll not have to wear the same thing twice!
Oh yea, nice job at the Buick Open on Sunday, Tiger.

August 08, 2006  

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