Baba"s Boys

Well, we have all met little Samson, and I think he's going to be a little feisty guy. He already does not like to have his diaper changed, he screams and fusses when you change his little clothes. He kicks and flails his arms till he gets his food. He is definitely going to be heard from A LOT.
Big brother Abe did a good job of welcoming the baby by sharing several of Abe's own little toys. Piling them gently on his brother's feet, almost like Gold, Frankincense and Muir. We would turn around and find another little present at Sam's feet. Didn't see Abe sharing any of his Thomas trains though. The boy is absolutely obsessed with Thomas. It took me a few days to finally get a grip on the differences in all the Thomases. There's Thomas Christmas ornament, Thomas top of second birthday cake, Thomas whistle, Thomas battery operated,Little Thomas,Wooden Thomas,Remote control Thomas, Bathtub Thomas. He knows all of them. I got to the point, I just gathered every single one and put them on his shelf, cause I didn't know the difference between them, I sure do now! Baba is a slow learner, but once I get it...I sure as hell got it. I also learned to master, Bri and Jake's extensive video system, and Abe is not as patient with me has he has been in the past. He had a lot to deal with, his Mommy and Daddy were at the hospital for almost 4 days, there was going to be another little person coming home with them, and I should know by now how to set up his DVR! Thank goodness the weather warmed up , and playing in the sand is more my speed, I can handle a shovel and a bucket. It will be so fun to watch Samson grow, I think he looks like Abe, very subtle differences. Just glad he's here safe and sound!
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