Sometimes Birthdays Don't Suck
Then and now! Happy BIG 5-0 Jerry.
I haven't loaded the pictures yet, but I can not wait to talk about the big surprise party for Jerry. Caroline did a great job of planning this shin-dig. I can not believe she kept it a surprise. I was psycho over it. I didn't want to blow it. I can't keep a secret to save my life.

Mom and Dad were married in 1947.
A marriage I am sure that was made in heaven.
They were college students really,
They both served in the war.
Never knowing what would happen, and what was in store.
Not much later you see,
There soon would be three.
Baby JoEllen came along to bounce on Daddy's knee.
That was so much fun, thought my mother,
"Let's try for a son", and they had another.
Then along came Janet and Judy
And of course there was Griff.
Who wanted his G changed to a J
So that would make him Jiff.
The family was not done
In came the second platoon.
Jill, John , Jean and Jerry were all born very soon.
Happy Birthday to the baby of the Allen clan. I guess that makes us all pretty Damn old.
What a cute kid!! Happy Birthday Uncle Jerry!!
Jill, tell Jerry happy 50th! How come we're all getting so OLD??? He's still such a cutie patootie!
Thanks guys--- what a night to have the time change
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