Winter Illness

OMG! I have never seen the hospital so busy. I don't know if it's flu or bronchitis or what. It's bad. I even had a terrible sinus thing going on. But that's expected, that's what I work with. All my co-workers are snotting and sneezing, YIKES! Very sick people. I swear I had RSV, cause I worked in Peds the previous week. But when Bri called me about Abe, I just wanted to cry. It's so hard for young'uns and elders. They just don't have the immune system like the rest of us. And the babe's can't tell you what's going on. He had an ear infection and pneumonia. That's nasty. When you are dealing with the terrible two's .....and a kid who's acting don't know that they are sick. But the boy was sick. So Baba had to go and be with him.Yea, like it was a chore, twist my arm. Even sick, he is a joy to me.
All I kept thinking was, when I have a fever, and I ache all over, I'm a bear. He was nothing like that. Oh yes, he would have melt downs, but is that just trying to cope with how bad he really feels? Poor little guy. Also, Mommy and Daddy had been dealing with terrible two's Abe pushing the envelope for awhile. It was time for them to have a break.
Every day he felt better, ate more, as the fever melted. He was dancing and singing when I left. He's on the mend. Abe talked nonstop,
not that I knew what he was saying half the time. I know that frustrated him. Also my technical skills in videos and music were lacking, but he never threw a fit , he just rolled with my ineptness. When I couldn't get the DVD or DVR to work, we colored and made his Mommy a Valentine, that he was so proud of. We read books and I got to rock him to sleep for his naps.... just a-little. He's getting so grown up now. Which is fine, cause baby brother is a-comm'in fast. It was a precious time to spend with my young'un and to help him feel better before he goes back to daycare. I miss him already.
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