Happy Anniversary Baby...Got you on my mind
Just thought I would throw this picture in. JoEllen sent it to me, 1976

Those are the words of Little River Band, but it is appropriate today, cause it's our anniversary. Thirty two years to be exact. And it's sort of scary to me to think that we have been together that many years. Not counting our middle school boyfriend girlfriend going out years. Then on and off high school dating years. And those few months in college that we just saw other people. We made it through.
When I say this is our song, I have many different songs that have become ours for whatever reason. Just thought I'd share some of them.
Misty: by Johnny Mathis.This really did not initially pertain to us. Rob had to learn this song before his Dad would pay for guitar lessons. He did and the rest is history. Rob told me the story, so every time we were at a wedding or New Year's eve party we would dance to this song. It was a way to get him to dance, he HAD to , it was his song. So then it became our song. The words are very sweet, and I love it.
Something : by the Beatles. AHHH the White Album, Classic love song.The Beatles always seemed to come out with an Album at Christmas time. I am sure Rob somehow let me know how much he liked me through this song. Very romantic. Well as romantic as it could be with two little brothers running around being silly, and wanting Rob to go get pizza . Also Rob never came to the house without his trusty buddies, either John Richley or Ron LoVaglio. Not much time for sweet talking.
The Rain the Park and Other Things : by the Cowsill's Oh yes....this is one. Our first kiss was Mill Creek Park by the silver bridge. We actually have a painting of that very same silver bridge. It was always raining when we kissed that first year. Why do I remember that? I don't know, but it's true. Hence the song. It really is sort of obscure, so I am sure many of you haven't heard of it. It sort of sounds like a Beach Boy's song or the Partridge Family or Mama"s and Papa's. Very sixties!
Glass Harp: Anything glass harp cause that was so Rob, and I think we listened to to the Glass Harp album all through high school nonstop. He even took me to some concerts in early marriage years. And a trip to Y-town when Robby was in college to see a reunion gig. Very good memories.
Stairway To Heaven : by Led Zeppelin Rob was always a big Zeppelin fan. While I was into Soul and Motown music he was rocking. So I never payed attention to much of Zeppelin until Stairway to Heaven. Which Rob thought was his guide to life. "There are two paths you can go by"....Hello, it was our destiny to be together. "But you can always change the road you're on." This helped us make many life decisions, like getting married, changing jobs,moving,and having children. While I spent my summer of 1973 in California, his letters to me always had a Led Zeppelin line intertwined throughout.
Play That Funky Music White Boy: by Wild Cherry. This song was played by the band at our wedding in 1976. Is was their best song. They played it more than once I am sure. The crowd loved it. Every time this song gets played I think of our wedding. Even weeks after our wedding my cousin from Cleveland called to say she thought of us when she heard it on the radio. That was a very random call.. I can not believe she got my number. It just was one of those those memories that stuck. It was fun to bump to, too. Good times.
Thank you : Led Zeppelin. The first time I heard Rob play this , it was in my Mom's kitchen on Burma Dr. I am sure it was a night that we were all singing and playing guitar with Griff, John and Jerry. Probly a holiday. I think we were married, but before children. Rob played and Jerry knew the words. It was awesome. My Mom was blown away and so was I. She couldn't get over how well Rob played and she said that it was a beautiful love song. Which it totally is.
In closing I would like to share a quote that sums up my thoughts on the road that Rob and I have shared over these 32 plus years. Unfortunately I do not know who to give the credit to.
When I say this is our song, I have many different songs that have become ours for whatever reason. Just thought I'd share some of them.
Misty: by Johnny Mathis.This really did not initially pertain to us. Rob had to learn this song before his Dad would pay for guitar lessons. He did and the rest is history. Rob told me the story, so every time we were at a wedding or New Year's eve party we would dance to this song. It was a way to get him to dance, he HAD to , it was his song. So then it became our song. The words are very sweet, and I love it.
Something : by the Beatles. AHHH the White Album, Classic love song.The Beatles always seemed to come out with an Album at Christmas time. I am sure Rob somehow let me know how much he liked me through this song. Very romantic. Well as romantic as it could be with two little brothers running around being silly, and wanting Rob to go get pizza . Also Rob never came to the house without his trusty buddies, either John Richley or Ron LoVaglio. Not much time for sweet talking.
The Rain the Park and Other Things : by the Cowsill's Oh yes....this is one. Our first kiss was Mill Creek Park by the silver bridge. We actually have a painting of that very same silver bridge. It was always raining when we kissed that first year. Why do I remember that? I don't know, but it's true. Hence the song. It really is sort of obscure, so I am sure many of you haven't heard of it. It sort of sounds like a Beach Boy's song or the Partridge Family or Mama"s and Papa's. Very sixties!
Glass Harp: Anything glass harp cause that was so Rob, and I think we listened to to the Glass Harp album all through high school nonstop. He even took me to some concerts in early marriage years. And a trip to Y-town when Robby was in college to see a reunion gig. Very good memories.
Stairway To Heaven : by Led Zeppelin Rob was always a big Zeppelin fan. While I was into Soul and Motown music he was rocking. So I never payed attention to much of Zeppelin until Stairway to Heaven. Which Rob thought was his guide to life. "There are two paths you can go by"....Hello, it was our destiny to be together. "But you can always change the road you're on." This helped us make many life decisions, like getting married, changing jobs,moving,and having children. While I spent my summer of 1973 in California, his letters to me always had a Led Zeppelin line intertwined throughout.
Play That Funky Music White Boy: by Wild Cherry. This song was played by the band at our wedding in 1976. Is was their best song. They played it more than once I am sure. The crowd loved it. Every time this song gets played I think of our wedding. Even weeks after our wedding my cousin from Cleveland called to say she thought of us when she heard it on the radio. That was a very random call.. I can not believe she got my number. It just was one of those those memories that stuck. It was fun to bump to, too. Good times.
Thank you : Led Zeppelin. The first time I heard Rob play this , it was in my Mom's kitchen on Burma Dr. I am sure it was a night that we were all singing and playing guitar with Griff, John and Jerry. Probly a holiday. I think we were married, but before children. Rob played and Jerry knew the words. It was awesome. My Mom was blown away and so was I. She couldn't get over how well Rob played and she said that it was a beautiful love song. Which it totally is.
In closing I would like to share a quote that sums up my thoughts on the road that Rob and I have shared over these 32 plus years. Unfortunately I do not know who to give the credit to.
He couldn't remember how to tune his guitar
And I couldn't remember the words
But he played and I sang and we decided
We liked the music we made.
Happy Anniversary to the cutest couple ever!! I hope to help you celebrate your 50th!
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