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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Helloooo! It's Spring...Act Like it!

Whatev! This weather sucks. Why do we live here? The Midwest is not the best climate to live in. And guess what? Where we used to live, Good ole RICHMOND,Indiana,.... that weather is even worse than what we got here. And where we grew up , they have even more snow and terrible weather.North-east Ohio is pretty brutal. But at least we had some fun there. That helps you deal with Sucky weather.

One of my favorite stories ever is when we had a big-ass snow storm in Richmond, and school was cancelled. I was at Seton to pick up Robby. I ran into Kinnett,(Jim) who proceeded to tell me that Bebe had hurt her back shoveling the driveway, and she was at home laid up. I must have said something about a "Hot Totty" and Jim said, "Hell I'll just give her some Scotch." Well Robby just wanted to die....Jim and I announced to all of Seton school that we drink alcohol.Of course this was not just talking next to each other sitting in our cars....this was yelling across the parking lot while picking up our kids. In retrospect I guess it was not very cool. At least not for a ten year old. I suppose when he was 16 ...that would be a different story. Maybe not.
ANY who, I am just about ready for the bad weather to be over. I think maybe April it will happen.So Easter has come and gone and there is STILL snow. Snap out of it!!!~!!!. Move on----- bad weather. Does the weather listen to the rantings of a post Menopausal woman? No, of course not.
And for those people that REALLY live in the SOUTH, like Florida, and you know who you are.....I do not want to hear it. Again I say, why are we living here?


Blogger Keenan said...

And can you believe we are moving back to this!? I would live through all day Alaskan darkness and freezing temps just to be near our families and friends! I remember how hard it is waiting for warmth, but those gorgeous Indiana days in June make it all worth it. Hang in there!

March 28, 2008  

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