Another Big 5-0

Just within a couple of months our family has had two milestone birthdays. JoEllen's being in November,2007 and Jeanie's January 22nd 2008. JoEllen turned 60 and Jeanie,50. It just dawned on me, so that means JoEllen was 10 years old when Jeanie was born.(I know, I'm Einstein) There were six of us in between, and one more baby to come. Wo! Would you not shoot yourself? No wonder my Mom was cranky. I am still going through post-partum depression, and I only had two kids. This woman never had time to recoup. Her little 62" body, literally was a baby factory. Anywho,next year we have the birthday celebrations of Janet turning 60 and Jerry turning 50. How 'bout that? It's going to happen again. Although, really Jeanie and JoEllen's B-days are actually different years....Jan and Jerry's are the same year, 2009. That's pretty cool.
We really had two distinct families in one. There was the first half and the second half. And when you look at the age difference, it's totally understandable.Ten years is a big difference.
So I started the second half,I felt like a "big sister", but compared to the first half, I really was a baby. They were all in a different era. When I was in grade school, they were in High school. When I was in High school, they were in college,away at Kent State. When I was in college,I was at YSU, and still living at home, they were long gone.
I don't know how I got off on that tangent, but Jeanie's B-day was way fun. I know she had a great time cause she was the "Birthday Girl". But the cool thing was everyone had a great time. It was at John Edward's, and that was neat cause it had been several years since we have been there. He and Sandy have the place looking very good, with lots of help from Jo and Dave, and Bobby Hennesey. It was very sweet of John to have us all there. And really, people were able to stay later cause they didn't have to drive far.
So I got to play games with "the girls" Jan, Judy, Mackenzie,and Cassie, Rosemary and Caroline. We had Karaoke, but that was a flop, no one wanted to do that, once the guys were playing guitar. Note to self, screw the Karaoke. I sorta thought John would have done some Frank , but it didn't happen.
Bri came and brought Baby Abe , who just happen to be a big hit early on.He was all revved up dancing and performing. He had us all laughing. The kicker was , when he realized that he could run through the house in the circle. That really made me laugh. That was what all the little kids did. It's sort of the last hurrah. The kid is fighting sleep, so he starts running. Abe figured it out. Every room is attached. Jerry came into the living room and said he found the circle. Well it's a tradition. Every child has done it, every grandchild has. But I do believe that Abe was the first great grandchild to find his way through the circle. That was pretty cool.
We had some visitors that made Jeanie's day special, Bobby of course, and Greg and Becky. And these are people that have been a part of our Christmases,our Thanksgivings, and our New Year's Eve parties. It really brought back some memories.It reminded me how special our family was and is. And it made me miss my parents because they made our parties so fun. Our house was a very fun place to either start a party or end a party. I am so happy that we were able to celebrate Jeanie's fiftieth there. It was very fitting.
We need to be clear on something...when you say "her little 62" body, literally was a baby factory." do you mean that her body was literally 62 inches...or that she was literally a baby factory.
you're walking awfully close to a line you dont want to step to...
That is such a Robby comment!
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