Hello, Dancing With The Stars

I almost forgot to talk about Dancing With the Stars concert, with Abe's illness. I loved every second. We were probably ten feet from the stage. We met very nice ladies, that were having their GNO, and it was was their third time experiencing the show. The stars were not that great, we only had Lance Bass, who I love, Marlee Matlin, who at first glance, I thought was Heather Mills,(and you all know how I hate her) and Maurice Greene. Toni Braxton sang, and that was cool, but she didn't dance. All the professional dancers were there, and I just got to say that Maksim was way cute. And he was totally into himself, but I loved it.I have watched this show so much and for so many years, I know these dancers so well, it sort of creeped me out. Just to let you know, the dancers are taller skinnier and so much better looking in person. It was a fabulous show. Brianne was very tolerant, and the ladies that we shared a table with were very nice and alot of fun. I know I worried Bri when I said I was going to join this other really exuberant table of ladies if they were asked to go on the dance floor. It never happened, but I totally would have done it. Thank you Rob for the great Christmas gift.
I can't believe you didn't include a photo of Maksim. But, I am sure everyone can imagine what he looks like because it is JUST like Jake. I will try to find some comparison photos :)
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