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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Thursday, May 01, 2014

We Have A New Member!

     I would like to take this blog to announce that we have a new member added to our little family of Mullally's. Sweet Karli is now a Mullally. This is so great in so many ways. Mostly its great for our son, because he found the perfect match for him. She's just right. She "gets" him and that makes me happy.
      For those of you that don't have children or your children are not old enough to be married yet I am telling you as a parent this is ginormous! Because the main thing you want for your child in a marriage is that your children find someone that loves your child as much as you do. Now that is a big request.
      Parents love their children unconditionally. This means to me , I know my kids have faults,unlike the typical Irish Mother, aka Mac Allen, I know my kids aren't perfect. They sometimes do stuff I don't like or I really don't agree with, they can screw up once and awhile, but no matter what, we, as parents still love them.That's a big order for a spouse. That doesn't mean I expect them not to fight. I think a good fight clears the air every so often. Do I think that there will never be hard times? Heck no. Those are the times that bring a couple closer as a family. Will I try to push my nose where I shouldn't? I hope not, but  probably, hope they know to just tell me to back off. We will do anything we can to help them  out, but it's their  life and their decisions with each other that count.
    Welcome to our crazy family, and we love you unconditionally too Karli. Even though your last name has changed to Mullally I respect so much the beautiful family of Shondells that you grew up with, and that is a big part of who you are and who you always will be. And that's a big reason why my son and all of us love you so much.



Blogger Unknown said...

I couldn't be happier to be a Mullally! I love you all so much!

May 02, 2014  
Blogger Robby said...

90% of this is talking about faults. I have no faults. Except maybe math.

May 02, 2014  
Blogger jacksdaddy said...


August 16, 2014  

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