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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Friday, August 19, 2005

The smartest thing you wear is your hair

Well I am going to a new hair dresser today. This is traumatic. For those of us who have relocated several times,finding a hairdresser is right up there with finding a new physician or dentist. Actually I have misstated it is way more important than the latter two. You may be sick and have bad teeth but your hair needs to be "bangin". Finding a hairdresser is especially difficult the older you get. You have the color factor,cover the grey,plus matching a color that looks natural, not fake. Preferrably unlike Little Orphan Annie fiasco of last month. You have the old bag factor,you don't want to look too trendy but more importantly you don't want to look like great grandma helmet head either. A big clue for the old bag look is when the four ladies before you all have the same cut, you know the bubble cut that Barbie sported in the early sixties. Okay maybe I deserve the old bag cut if I know about Barbie doll hair styles of the sixties. I was VERY young then, and my older sisters had those dolls. Right,that's it.
So here I go putting my hair in new hands again.


Blogger Jill said...

FYI, I cancelled my hair appointment! I covered the roots myself. I am so afraid of trying a new hairdresser.

September 19, 2005  
Blogger Debbie said...

I have a picture that I plan on sharing with you this weekend that will prove, these are not the worst hair days!

September 20, 2005  

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