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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Beauteous Wedding

We had our trip to Youngstown for our niece's wedding. Now the people I know here in Jasper think I am lying about all the weddings we have been attending. We have just had a big run on them these last four years. I love it. I love the planning, the showers the dresses, flowers, all of it. The better I know the couple the more insight I have to the preparations that makes the day even more special.
Samantha and Pat's wedding was just that. We saw this celebration coming together over the past months. Sam made the candles that were the favors, the bottles of wine that were made by Sam's brothers with the labels that had caricature of the wedding couple (that Pat had designed) I thought I was prepared to attend a beautiful celebration. Well I was wrong. It surpassed my expectations. Samantha was stunning. The wedding ceremony was probably the most personal I have ever attended. The priest being groom's Uncle really made the Mass very special and personal. A French horn that played when Samantha and her dad came down the isle and the bagpipes while leaving the church. I loved the music, the Irish blessing was sung, and Ave Maria, which is my favorite.
Grandma looked like she was fifty and Joyce looked like Samantha's sister, not her mother. Everyone was very glamorous.I really think they all had a great time and loved the whole day. The reception was huge. The cookie table went on forever. When the couple truly love each other everyone at the wedding feels it.
Every time we turned around we saw someone we knew when we were kids. I went to highschool with several of Pat's Aunts and Uncles and many of the people that went to our grade school were friends with Joyce and Sam. It was great seeing friends we hadn't seen for twenty five years.
It was little Abe's big outing and he did fine, Auntie Judy helped us out there, with her bum foot and all. He had his mini J crew outfit on, which I am sure over heated him, but we didn't torture him for long. He hung with Aunt Judy in his comfy T-shirt and sweat pants. As always these weddings are over too quickly and you don't want it to end. I can't wait to see the pictures.


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