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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Breaking Away

It turns out the Thursday we were leaving NY, there was breaking news from London,about terrorists plans of blowing up planes going to the U.S.. We were sure we'd be delayed. And that morning when we went to the Today show at 5:00AM, even Al Roker was on the serious side and the first hour and half was dedicated to this special report. And Matt and Ann were very serious. And even Courtney Cox was cancelled. Bummer.

More bummed than us was this girlscout troop that all had on lime green shirts and Statue of Liberty hats.I loved those hats. They all waited till about eight and left. I am sure they had other things scheduled and had to leave. Phyllis and Angie got on TV and Al Roker talked to them. And Jakey told me he was watching and he saw me behind Al when he was doing the news. But anywho because of the terrorist thing we went to the airport three hours early. We were sure there would be delays due to all the checking for products that the terrorists were planning to use. So we put all our lotions and lipsticks and such in our bags that were checked in. What we didn't count on was this crazy storm that delayed our flight twice.
We had heard rumors of all flights out of LaGuardia being cancelled. And we could rebook on another flight to Louisville, but there were only four seats, so two of us had to take another flight. Well, I called Jake and he said he could pick me up at Indy, and drive us to Jasper. So Deidra said she go with me. So we were in line to rebook. Well there was this Asian young lady behind us saying that they were canceling all flights out. And when they were going to rebook me and Deidra they had to rebook all six of us. So all the women came to the counter. And this Asian chick went off. "What are you doing?, you are discussing too much!". "You need to leave! You weren't in line". I mean screaming at the top of her lungs. Now I tried to talk to her, and say I was sorry. But she kept screaming. Deidra finally said "Jill, don't even look at her." She screamed at me, "As you ladies are talking my flight is getting totally booked!"

Now in her defense, have you ever watched six middle aged women make a decision? Just try to split a dinner check and figure out the tip. We had been doing this for the past three days. With no problems I might add. We were all polite and talked everything throroughly through. It was exhausting. I could see why the lady behind us was frustrated. Her screaming did not help. All the people sitting waiting for their flight were cracking up. I would have been laughing too, had she not been yelling at us. And I felt particularly at me!We all just backed away as a group, like in the finale of Mary Tyler Moore show, We backed away slowly.... and that little woman screamed at us again, move away! Move Away! Now ! Quit talking!.Even people in the bathroom talked to us about her. She had been screaming all day I guess.EEEE! The rain finally stopped and we flew out of New York. And in Phyllis's van we all finally could laugh about the psycho woman. Jill why did you keep apologizing? I'm not sure why I did, I guess I didn't want to yell and look as bad as she did. And one of the other ladies said, that was a perfect time to say, "Shut the front door!" We all laughed. It actually was.

Now the little Deli next door to our Hotel was sorta like that. Reminded me of the Soup Nazi. They were kinda scary. Yet again, you are working with six ladies.Do you want to split something? Are you getting juice? What kind of sweetener do you have?It was like the Ladies on the View all talking at once, with no Barbara to keep the peace. I just think every second counts for these places for the customer turn around. They don't want any questions, they want you to know your number have your correct change and move!!!Poor Angie tried to save a couple of tables, and a lady grabbed a chair and threw it on the ground. She told Angie, You don't save tables in New York. Okay, whatev. Simmer down. Eat your freakin' bagel.

I do have a sweet story about the subway. That's where I was most leary to try. And we met the nicest people on our rides. There was a little old lady that had taken a ride to see New York one last time before she went into assisted living. She had a cane and Deidra noticed her and helped her up the steps. She was precious and very brave to make that trip by herself. It was over by Ellis Island and the pier looking at the Statue of Liberty. We ran into her later too. She was so sweet and she made our visit a better memory.


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