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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Boo Boo head is a boy!

Okay, so now we have another piece to the puzzle of pinenut. Boo boo is a boy. They don't have him named yet, but that doesn't matter to me because, I love Boo boo head, Bubby, Bubba or brother. And now my four little neices are still the little princesses in our lives. Can you see them giggling over this little boy? Isn't it funny , it just seems to give you more of a reality that Bri and Jake are actually having a baby. What did we do in the old days? We just had to go by the shape of the Mommy's tummy. It was so hokus pokus..... Out like a bullet= boy, big all over= girl. I think I remember something with draino turning colors, and another thing about string going in circles...I can't remember. Now you see every part of these little pumpkins. One thing for sure Boo boo is going to know grandma Jill's voice cause I will make sure he knows me ahead of time. Rocky Racoon fell back in his room only to find Ba ba's Bible.....Or play that funky music bubby, play that funky music right....And in the end, the love Bubby takes, is equal to the love Bri and Jake make . I'll have to practice.


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