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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

St Paddy's Day

I have really missed my St Patrick's Day celebration . Rob has never been a big fan, so I sort of kept it to my girlfriends and my work place.My mom always decorated the house big time. Cornbeef and cabbage was always on the menu. And you could always get a cold beer on that day , what am I saying ? Any day . I love my Irish stuff. And I actually decorated our whole department Reid hospital. And if these people didn't know about St. Patrick's Day before I was there, after fifteen years they got it. Well I think it sort of got out of hand because, now I have a whole bedroom of Irish periphenelia that could make a grown man puke. I love it.
To me it was sort of fun. I wore green for the whole month of March. Which really wasn't all that long since St. Patty's day is the 17th. So that meant for seventeen days I wore green, whatever, it's my best color.
Guess what, my scrubs that I wear to work are emerald green. Shut up! How about that? I have been wearing a shamrock pin of course this month. And one of my patients was confused, and told the nurse that someone from 4H came into her room and tried to make her smoke a pipe. She said, I don't know what was in it , it could have been marijuana. That was the highlight of the week. She became less confused and more cranky but she said she never said any of those things. You know this is a predominantly German community. Maybe they are not used to shamrocks.They are more into Strausenfest. Which is a lot like St. Patrick's Day only with Polka music.
So to my two wee ones, who were definitely named for the Irish side of their family, Brianne, which means strong woman and Robert Patrick, you can't get any more Irish than that, have a Happy St. Patrick's Day with old traditions or new ones. And our family and friends just think of your Little Irish buddies O'Jillsy and Big O'Daddy Mullally.


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