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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

O B Visit II

Another visit to the OB doctor for Bri and me. We missed the Doc last time due to a delivery, so this was just a catch up meeting. I couldn't miss because I needed to make sure that Brianne's doctor was good. I know, what do I know. She seemed very nice and asked Bri all the right questions. She shook my hand and looked me in the eyes. That's a good sign. I have had physicians that can't make eye contact and if they do shake your hand it is very limp. What's up with that? If this is the person you trust to help you give birth....they had better have some social skills.
I have had some real doozies. I had a doctor that carried on a whole conversation on the phone while I was in stirrups for God's sake. And another, that never faced me when asking questions. And the kind of questions that a gynecologist asks, you really want some kind of facial expression to respond to, not a back of a head writing things down at a desk. Brianne's Doc passed my test.
Everything is great, and we heard the heartbeat again. It was 160. Loud and strong too. It was pretty cool, that this tiny little thing has such a strong heartbeat. Bri looks good, and is not throwing up as much, so that helps her disposition and her tiredness factor somewhat. We spent that evening looking at Jake's baby pictures. It was fun. He was a really cute baby.
Bri and Jake are so laid back. I feel so comfortable with them. Jake was so excited that Bri had gone grocery shopping. She had bought his favorite things. I am so amazed that a basic grocery store has such cool stuff. And it wasn't even their nicest grocery store that has special parking for expectant mothers. Isn't that funny? Indianapolis is so progressive.
We went out to dinner again. This is getting to be way fun. At least we get to try these different restaurants. Come to Jasper it's the Schnitzelbank. Go to Indy, it's endless. We went to this great Chinese restraunt, by Keystone at the Crossing. We all got something differant so we could taste. Robby drove, because he has a new car. Very spacious. It was very fun. The only thing missing was Big Daddy. And I haven't seen him for ages, Cause I've been working some hours, and they are all shifts. I don't know but if I keep this up I just may want to move to Indy. Foremost it's where my kids are but they have cool grocery stores.


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