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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Monday, February 27, 2006

Y-Town 50th. B-day

Well, finally other members of Rob's family are getting old. I'm in the middle of my family.I start the "second platoon" I don't feel that we have hit the oldtimers mark. I have siblings that have preceeced me in the "golden years" I can't even say that because they ar so hip, but come on we are not the young'uns we used to be. Not until Jim hit fifty did I feel the pain of the oldies but goodies. In Rob's family we are the oldest. And that is very discerning.
It was a fabulous spread of Y-town food. The amazing buffet of ethnic variety would blow your mind. Unless of course you live in Youngstown and you take great this food for granted.The pasta and meatballs, pieroegi's halupsie's, Chicken francais, Yum,Yum. That's why I totally blew my diet that weekend. Whatever, that's when you are allowed. It was so special, the little girls, Jaci and Jenn were so excited about their Daddy being surprised. What really hit me was how calm Jolynn was. She is something else. She works full time , run the girls and still puts together a party. I would have been bouncing off the walls. Not her. Cool as a cucumber. She's young! Jim is so lucky to have her and so are we.
It made me miss the wonderful gatherings of parents grandparents friends and neighbors. There were people there that Jim went to highschool with. And isn't that great to still hang with those old friends? What really hit me was that I have known Jim for longer than I've been married. That's over 30 years. So I basically grew up with him, and Joyce and Rob. So I think that really makes me more of a sibling than a "in-law". Besides, out of all the "J's" in my family there is no Jimmy. I love him like he is a brother, and I always will.


Blogger Keenan said...

That sounds like so much fun! I wish I knew what halupsies and pieroegis were, but they sound good! I am so glad we have gotten to know Jim and Jolynn (and of course their girls!) over the years at the beach. What a great family!

March 09, 2006  
Blogger Jill said...

Okay Missy the next thanksgiving weekend we all gather, we will make sure you have some of these delights. You will love them.

March 15, 2006  

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