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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Letter to Pinenut

Dear precious little baby boy,
I am your grandmother. It will be awhile before you connect with me. You've got your Mommy and Daddy around 24-7, so I know that they are the most important people in your life.I can accept that. Wait till you get to know me. It will be so fun. I will be that older, but beautiful lady that you will run to if your Mommy or Daddy are not around. I will also be the one that will love you unconditionally. You can come to me if your parents are upset with you. I don't care. I will listen to you. If you want something and your parents say no....too bad your with me kid, you get what you want. Just forget about rules with me... I am too cool for rules. I'm not saying you don't have to listen to your Mom and Dad, for sure you do, but with me anything goes.
I will tell you stories about your Mom....that will be our secret. And Uncle Robby, ....I have soooo many cool stories about him. We'll have sleep overs and you will rule. Now I'm letting you know now, that I will spoil you rotten, cause that's my job. And you need to stay with me, so I have you all to myself.I won't like sharing. Well, I might share you with your Grandpa Rob...but I will be your favorite cause I'm a softy. But big Daddy is really more of a softy than me, so you need to hit him up alot. And he doesn't really know what he wants to be called yet, so that might not be his name when you are born. We don't know what your name is either, I guess we will all be surprised about your name and his.
So back to, you will get whatever you want. I put on a good front with your Mom and Dad but they will never's just between us.Your Mom is pretty controlling, so I will have to make it look like I am being somewhat structured for her sake....but as soon as she leaves..... PARTY!
So looking forward to meeting you, you'll know who I am. I'm the one that calls you GOO,goo head, and I sing Rocky Racoon on occasion.
You are our precious gift,
I Love you more than you know already.

Grandma Jillsy


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're too cool Jillsy...Pinenut is one lucky little bugger to have you.

April 28, 2006  
Blogger Bri said...

I am NOT controlling!!!!

Don't poison my unborn child with these falsities. He will live a very well-planned, structured life and he will LIKE it.

(you guys all know I am kidding, right?)

April 28, 2006  

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