Yes people it is not only Thanksgiving week but DWTS finale. There was semi-celebration last night at my house, cause Jeanie really wanted Derek and Ricki to win,( really just Derek cause he's cute) but she was happy cause Rob Kardashian DIDN'T win. Whatever, the ONLY DWTS winner in her eyes is DONNY OSMOND which is the theme of this year's visit. Doesn't every family have a theme for their Thanksgiving? Da! So I truly think we should have Donny themed place settings . Who gets to be Donny? Let me guess, a tie between Robby and Jake. You know Jake is Jeanie's look alike for Maksum, but Maks has really been the bad boy on DWTS this year. Not only bath mouthing Len, but manhandling his partner. Not nice Maks! Big Daddy thinks he won't be back next year. Maybe Maks needs a little break. You know he thinks he owns the show. Well not really, I love Maks he just got carried away. Chill out Dude, me and Jeanie love you. You get too intense.
Well we had our Welch's sparkling white grape juice and our boa's, not the same experience when Donny won, but fun just the same. So hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. We are so excited. Love to all. I was worried about Donny overload on the first day, but you know he is such a good performer, I do not mind so much. Jeanie has tons of his DVD's. God love her.
donny is hot
guess what ? We had Batman themed place settings. Aren't we just the Marha Stewart kinda people?
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