Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The third wedding is a charm

Well, we have gone to our last wedding of 2005. It was one of my Godchildren, Joseph. He married Mary. So of course the preacher had to make silly jokes about Mary,Joseph and Jesus. Other than that, the wedding was beauteous. My friend Judy was gorgeous and "very sparkley" as Rob said. Joseph hugged me so hard he lifted me off the ground. Well that isn't very difficult ,he is 6'4'' and I am 5 foot nothin. His bride looked perfect and she was a crier. I love to cry at weddings so she made me feel happy every time she cried. We had fun.
We also had a Richmond wedding this summer. It was our sweet little Amiee and cutey-pie Chris. Talk about beautiful brides, she broke the mold. She had a AudreyHepburn look about her,very classic, stunning. And Chris, you just gotta love . He makes you laugh just by his mischievous grin. Our kids basically grew up with these kids,so it was such a special day. Susie was very beauteous also, andBig Tim was the proud papa. Since we have gone through the wedding experience you know how the parents are feeling. How they are so happy that their kids have found someone to love, but that a giant part of our lives with our kids is over,they are grown up. And that part is very hard. So anywho, we danced, laughed and sang all night long. It took a week for my legs to stop aching. That's what I call a good wedding. If my legs only hurt for a day ,the party is not that great.
After experiencing the planning and celebration of a wedding, it really makes you appreciate all the details and organizing that happens with these things. It's a ton of work! So I have a new awareness of each detail, and to the untrained wedding goer, they have no clue. For example I take note of not only the bouquets, but the flowers at the church and the reception. (Amiee....., loved the hydrangeas!) Anywho it really makes it special when you know and love the couple getting married. Especially because we know how much they love each other. We have seen them up close. When they aren't all dressed up and stuff. Oh and speaking of getting dressed up. I wore the very same dress to all three of my weddings this year. Now wasn't I just the economist?

Monday, September 19, 2005


Well I've been gone from my writing for a month I know, I am still trying to deal with the hair thing. Whatever, how lame-o. I am having bad hair, but dealing with it.
I worked an evening shift tonight and I get so wound up I can't sleep so I am making myself write in my blog to help with my insomnia.
We have lived here two years and you would think that I would actually be somewhat acclimated to this area. Is it me? Is it the people? Is it that I am too picky? Why can't I feel like I fit in? I know that living fifteen years in one area we had really become attached. Our friends knew us like family , and we all understood each other. And that is hard to replace. And I am not looking to replace what I had. I am just looking for one or two people that get me. That I am comfortable being just me. I think two years is plenty of time to make that happen. It hasn't.
I think I have been open to meet new people and try to make friends.
I was invited to a luncheon with several other women that had recently moved to this quaint little town by our realtor. I was probably the only one that had been here for more than a year. I struck up a conversation with a lady ,that seemed to be around my age. She had two daughters,one still in college one who had graduated. We talked about what we had done before we moved to our new location. "I have been a working mother all my life," I said. "It's ironic that now,my kids are grown,that I don't have a full-time job." We took our seats at the luncheon, and there was a new mother with her two month old baby at out table. We chatted with her, and she was very sweet. The lady I had been talking with asked her if she had other children. Yes, she has two others, and was very busy with her toddlers. Then the lady asked her if she worked. The new mother said, no, right now, with moving , and just having a baby, she really couldn't handle much more .Totally understandable in my eyes. The lady said to her , "Good for you, any mother that works and tries to raise a family fails at both , either the job suffers or the children." Now I had just gotten finished telling this woman that I had a career all my life, and that I had two children. Hello, Mrs. Stay at home mom. Could you have waited for me to go to the restroom to give your narrow minded freak'n view to the new mommy so I wouldn't get offended by your stupid idiotic comments?
I have a good profession and had a great career, and my kids are not crackheads. They actually graduated college and are doing quite well thankyou!They both live independently of us and actually have good jobs. They are smart,funny and they like us and like each other. Be-autch!
Now, I am not pro working mothers or against stay at home moms. I am for making a choice that makes sense to you and your family. I don't like to judge what other people decide is best for own families. That's what is so great about living in the now...Our generation of women have these choices. My mother really did not. So needless to say I did not make a friend that fateful luncheon day. That lady was lucky that I didn't go off . I just handled it very passive aggressively. No eye contact and no words from that comment on. Guess what, her husband works at Big Rob's company, hope I don't see her at the Christmas party. I don't like her , at all. She will not ever be my friend.