Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January....is here.

Okay people, its the time of resolutions and paying for all the Holiday Bliss. Thank you Sam Buzzacco for your five course Christmas Feast! Well, I could blame the holidays, but I was well onto my road of weight gain before the Christmas Holidays, but okay it was Christmas feasts that was the culprit of my thick thighs. I need to come up with some excuse why I am busting out of all my jeans to help me feel better.
I can say that once yo open the door to , pasta, breads, desserts, and dare I say it alcohol, the scales just seem to tip. Totally the wrong way, and your brain knows what you should do , but you can not stop. So here we are, 2012 trying to get back to healthy happy peeps. IT WILL BE A JOURNEY.

Monday, January 16, 2012

The Golden Globes

Well, I went to a Golden Globes party last night, Rob was on his way to Vegas, so we ladies got together. I need to understand that other people do not have the obsession of these awards shows like I do. I was okay with missing some of the red carpet interviews cause I figured I would check out the gowns during the show. We had a nice dinner, and wine. When the show started, I wanted to actually watch it. Do these ladies not understand. This is a big night for me. I could have been in my Jammie's and slippers all day watching the red carpet interviews.
Thank God I DVR'd the whole thing, even some of the red carpet, not the four hours that I would have watched had I not gone to to gathering. I know, this is not right. I could also watch all day marathon of Say Yes to the Dress, or David Tutera's show. Love him. So I think the Golden Globes of sorta more normal than those shows really.
Any who, I didn't get to watch the show the way I would have liked...the ladies were talking ALL the time and not about the clothes...
So today, I did exercise first thing , but I watched the GG's twice. Yes, I did. I thought Ricky Gervaris did a fine job. He wasn't as harsh as last year, or maybe we were all prepared for his humor. Any ways I love him, skinny or chubby he's so cute. Loved Brad Pitt and George Clooney. They are both movie stars that have humor and friendship. Sorta reminds me of the Rat Pack that were buddies back in our parent's days. Bri said it best, George Clooney is the most popular guy that everyone loves. He truly likes people and women love him and so do men.
I love Merril Streep. I love that she needs glasses to read and she doesn't have the plastic look that everyone has who is on a reality housewives show.
You know who drove me up the wall was Madonna. She is very self absorbed and her speech was too long and had too many I's in it. I loved her dress, and she has awesome biceps. I did like her quip to Ricky Gervais about not kissing a girl in public for a long time. Her whole thing about not wanting to be known for writing songs anymore and wanting to direct and blah,blah,blah. If you have to say it, then you aren't doing it.
Leonardo DiCaprio is fantastic. I just wish he would actually get an award. He is a fabulous actor. Maybe he is too good looking. You know, Paul Newman never won, until he was old. He was phenomenal.
Loved the Morgan Freeman Cecil B. D. award. Watched him on the electric company with my nieces, not sure if my kids watched that show. He is truly a great actor and I didn't realize how many films he had. Sidney P. awesome !!! What a gentleman. Loved all of that hoopla.
Golden Globes are fun cause they mix it up. Movies , TV, big win for Modern Family. Love, love love that show. On another note, Up All Night one of my favs, is featuring Megan Mullally....I know Shut up! can not wait. Okay so I am getting ADD on you. Think I will go watch the GG"s again. Just love this stuff. For sure I need to be at Bri's to watch the Emmy's, think she gets it like me.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012

January 4, 1947

It's my parents' anniversary today. Although both of them have been gone for quite awhile, I still think of them , this time of year.
When we were growing up we really didn't understand the lives both our parents had before children. I guess all kids have a hard time thinking of their parents as teenagers, college students, even young adults. For us our parents' lives began when ours did. Sure, I knew both my parents were in the service during WWII. We had memorabilia around the house. I think each one of us wore Daddy's Air Force uniform for Halloween at one time or another. My Mom had photos , her mother burned her Marines uniform. I understand the action, but I sure would have liked to have seen my mother's actual uniform and hat. I am sure Grandma McCarthy wanted to destroy any reminder of the war, having lost a son who served as a pilot, just like my Dad. My brothers heard more stories than we girls did. The story that came through loud and clear was that my Mom and Dad loved each other very much. So much that my Dad's plane was named for her. My Mom was not very kissy face huggy bear kind of person, but I gotta say that if some young man named his plane after me, I'd be smitten.
After my Mom passed away, my father had already been gone for ten years. We found old letters, pictures and my Aunt Eileen's scrapbook of my Dad throughout the war,pictures,news articles and such. We found Daddy's silk scarf that he wore when he was flying. Mom had given it to him. JoEllen found a picture of my Dad in the cockpit, and the note on the back said, "I will bring your scarf safely back home to you." Who were these people? These were not the parents that I knew for 46 years. As it turned out , it absolutely was.
I do not know if any of us can ever truly understand the trials that all the people that lived through those times endured. The young people, their parents, the veterans that were wounded and the ones that never came home. Mom and Dad had lived a lifetime before they had all eight of their children. In that time two young people fell in love, fought in the war, got married tried to move on in their lives with work and making a home. Who'd ever thought that they would then have eight kids.
Mom and Dad were married January 4th., 1947
A marriage I am sure , that was made in heaven.
Both college students really, that served in the war,
Neither knowing the future,or what was in store.
For not much later you see, there soon would be three,
Baby JoEllen came along to bounce on Daddy's knee.
And that was so much fun, " Oh," said Mother, "Let's try for a son."
And they had another.
So along came Janet, Judy and finally came Griff.
Who wanted his "G" changed to "J" , so that would make him Jiff.
The family was not done
In came the second platoon.
Jill, John, Jean, and Jerry came right along too.


Happy New Year!!!! It was quite a night in Bloomington when the Hoosiers won. St. John's Arena is electric, and the fans unbelievable. The students weren't back at school yet so it was a different flavor, but IU alums are crazy! There also were celebs at the game. You guessed it John Mellancamp and Meg Ryan. I know we do not see many celebrities around here. I wish I had a zoom lens.
It was back in 1999 New Year's eve that we had tickets to see John Mellancamp. I just thought that was a little ironic. Hope that is a good omen for things to come. It's been really fun watching IU have a good season so far.
I am so happy for Robby and his buddies. It's been awhile, but its so fun to win!!!!!