Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Happy Spring

This has been a crazy Spring. We had Summer temperatures for a few weeks, then frost then ,freezing, now we have real Spring. Here we are. Love it, love all the pretty flowers, smells and new foliage. Not weeds! Weeds are over-growing. Weeds grow faster fiercer than any tree plant or flower. Other than Peonies. Got to tell this story. I have a piece of my mother's Peonies that JoEllen harvested and gave to anyone that wanted some. I swear this little Peony root has been destroyed every year. Not intentionally mind you, but between me and Rob, every spring we think this sucker is a weed. Rob has mowed it down, I have chopped, pulled and transplanted. This Peony survives every year. This year bigger and better than ever. Maybe all my cutting and chopping has made this little green thrive. Don't know. Cant wait for all the blooms to open. I will take a picture.