Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

A trip to Wally- World

Wally World is Walmart to me. I had to go to the grocery, so the hubby decided to come. Now, I really do not like to go grocery shopping, but this husband of mine squeezed even the absolute minute eety bitty little bit of like I had in the grocery shopping experience.
First of all the man does not know grocery etiquette. You do not park the cart in the middle of the isle. If someone is looking for an item,you do not pass in front of them, you go around. I like to inspect my meat products, you do not just throw anything in the cart. I definitely do not buy bulk of pizza rolls, ice cream or chicken wings.(Unless it's an Ohio State game...Then all those things roll).You do not stand in the middle of the isle and look aimlessly at the shelves. People are there that know what they want. Get out of the way. I was ready to go in fifteen minutes...Oh no he was ready to shop.
I just wanted to leave. The man was in his glory and wanting to buy lots of items that never would have made it past refrigerator door at our house. He is so persuasive, AKA PUSHY. He gets what he wants, because he's the alpha male. Even at the grocery. EEEEEEE!God love him.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

What's in a name?

I have been thinking a lot recently of names. I guess because little pinenut is coming soon. I think that Bri and Jake have been talking about names and maybe even have one, but maybe not for sure, any way, I have been just thinking, because my life is not as busy as it used to be and for God's sake I have nothing else to do but, but into other peoples' lives now. And you know, that is really getting on my nerves, but that's just the way it is.

When I was little I hated my name. I think because whenever someone would hear my name they would say, "Jack and Jill went up the hill." So I told my mother I hated my name, and she said when was 21, I could change it. That was a very good thing to say, to shut up a 5 year old. At least I think I was that age when it bugged me. I wanted to be called Julia, which was so much prettier. Well, I learned to like my name. And actually, there weren't all that many Jills around at that time , which really made me like it more.

So when you choose a name for a person what exactly goes into the mix? Many people choose to name for members of the family. I really didn't know that Big Rob wanted a little Rob until every single boys name I came up with was wrong. I finally said how 'bout Robert. He liked it. And so did I.I did get the Patrick input. (cause that's what I wanted as the first name) as it turns out Big Rob's grandpa's name was Patrick. That was cool. Not that we chose it because of that, but who cares, we liked the name.(besides the fact we are both Irish and Patrick is such a solid Irish name, brilliant!I loved it, it worked. Now Jeanie is going to call this baby little Jake, no matter what. That's in her brain. He is going to look like Jake act like Jake, he will be Jake. He's little Jake to her. She loves him so much, she would love for a nother JAKE.And he may just that, a little Jake, but he can be by another name, but what could that be?

So in review of my family, the folks decided to go with the "J" theme and had all these "J" names. This was way popular in the 50's. I know this cause Judy is a giant 50's name, I looked it up. And there just happens to be at least 3 Judy's I know besides my sister.(all around my age) JoEllen was named for my grandpa and Grandma,Joseph and Helen. But, guess what? I ended up knowing two other JoEllens, so that was another little trendy name of the 5o's. And the Mullally's were into the J theme, Joyce, Jim Judy-Julie, take your pick. And in my fam... JoEllen , Janet, Judy, Griff(another namesake person) Jill, John, Jean, Jerry.

And Griff, that was another story. Uncle Griff needs to tell that one, has to do with Daddy, (my Dad being named for somone that my grandpa worked for),

Brianne, of course came from the Match Game. Whatever, how crazy is that? It was way before we were pregnant or even married , and we were both at YSU and would watch The Match Game in between classes, or in between work. There was this pretty Irish girl, and her name was Brianne. She was on for weeks. That was it for Rob. It took much more time for me.... I had issues with the spelling,pronounciation and such, and whatever. He had embedded this baby's name years before the baby came about. I poo pooed him. After the nine months, I was calling the baby Sally Mullally he was saying Brianne. We didn't even have a boys name. It was meant to be. And this was way before the wonderful world of ultrasound that you can plan for your boy or girl. Cause the babe was girl and her name was to be Brianne.

So the what is in a name? I think everyone receives the name they are meant to have. Then they make a name for themselves. They make a name, that fits them. The bottom line is Brianne is Bri, Robert is Robby, Rob is Big Rob, Jill is Jillsy. You are given a name and you evolve into the special person you are meant to be.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Family Fix

On the road again! Back to Ohio for graduation. Christohper graduated from highschool, and it was so fun. When you are part of the preparation it really makes the day more special. Janet and Dave's house should be rented out for weddings and parties it is a perfect place. The gardens were absolutely perfect and the weather really cooperated. The "Aunt Farm" was there. That is the five Allen Aunts. We are all so different but so much alike it is scarey.
Thursday was party prep. When I arrived at Janet's we were both wearing tan capris and brown tops. We looked like twins. I am sure when we were shopping people thought how queer we were. Two old bags still dressing alike. Then on Friday it happened again. I wore jeans and a turqoise top, and there was Jan. I was looking in a freaking mirror. We had a good laugh. That has happened in previous years too. We might show up with the same sailor dress, or the same hair cut. It's so funny. You've heard the stories of twins separated at birth and their similarities are uncanny, that's me and Jan.We are twins six years apart! Then again, Carolyn,Debbie Beck and I did the same thing at the O'Maley Wedding. We were Susie's bridesmaids. Anywho, back to the Family weekend. It was working till the last minute, but we pulled it off. It was great. Seven out of the eight sibs were there, which is quite an accomplishment for how busy all out lives are. The cousins that were there are so cute ranging in ages from 35 years to 8 years old. Can you believe that? My God, I thought I was still 35. Jerry told our favorite stories and we heard some new ones.
I just hope I can still do this for my little Mac and Cassie. It was a blast and I loved every second of it. It just brought back many memories of our own graduation blasts. What a great reason to have a party! Bri with her Magician guy, which really turned out to be a hit, and Robby's co-graduation gala with Kyle and Johnny. And we made a pact to do it again when they graduated from IU. And we did. Such good memories and lots of fun stories. I was so happy to share that with my Sissie and her family. We have lots of great ideas for Tim's in two years.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Pinenut Loves the Backstroke

We had the weekend with Brianne all to ourselves. I just enjoyed sitting, talking eating and SHOPPING. The baby is moving like mad. I think because Pinenut won't have anywhere to go very soon. He will be in very cramped quarters. He was poking and prodding and popping. This little guy never stopped. Well he did, and then I had to talk to him, and then he started moving all over. I loved it. That's just how Bri and Robby were. And they came out running. Very busy babies. I hope Bri and Jake are ready for this little ball of fire. He will be so much fun.Just like them.

Friday, June 02, 2006

A Quickie Thought for the Day

Well due to my work status in this beautiful little town of Jasper, I take the hours at the hospital when they offer. Which means I have been actually working these past two weeks. It's amazing how my life is changes when I am utilizing my skills that I was trained to do, outside of the home. I must say the hours came at a most inopportune time. Hello, Katey Couric's last day!!!!I missed the three hour goodbye. If I was in a patient's room , I would prompt the patient to turn the channel to the Today Show. Some did, one guy said, Who the hell is Katey Couric? Whatever, I have watched the show religiously the past three years. I have analyzed the tension, and the makeovers, and silliness. Al, Matt and Katey were so good together. Ann, a bit too serious , but she's loosening up. By the way, Ann has a fabulous stylist, she has been really looking great.Anywho, I am making money, and you would think that Mullally has died and gone to heaven. He just loves a working girl. He doesn't care if it's evening, nights, weekends, short or 12 hours the man is euphoric when I work. Didn't notice that when I was working full time in Richmond. Guess I was too busy to notice.

So I was off for the Holiday, and it was great fun to see our friends and our kids, and their kids and their kid's friends.It was fun , too short, and I miss them already. You can check out the slide shows that the young'uns put together, cause the have computer skills. It was a beautiful day....too short. Jake went through the scenereo of me wanting to stay and Big Daddy wanting to leave, and me pouting.Bri said we make him uncomfortable, Yep it happened.

Congrats to all the graduates. It's that time of year too. It is such a special time for all of them and their families. I really think that the graduate does not realize how special it is. It is to us oldie goldies. We watched you all grow into the wonderful young adults you are right now, and it's way cool. Your accomplishments mean that you did a great job, but your parents are actually so relieved that they did something right, and the little babe that they brought into this crazy world has grown up. And maybe just maybe he or she will make a contribution to our world...Who am I kidding. Most the time we're just happy we didn't give birth to a crackhead or a serial killer.That just slipped out. I have to go to work now and make Big Daddy euphoric again. I am working a 12 hour shift. WooHoo!