Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Friday, October 27, 2006

My embarrassing obscession

Living with my daughter and her sweet family has been an adjustment. I really think we all get along pretty well. We all have our focus on Abe and every little new thing he he does. Our evenings are spent together watching little Abe and occasionally watching television. Who am I kidding. All hours of the day and night when the baby is awake we are awake watching television. Did you know there are a million judge shows? When did our society get so interested in judge shows? I'm not. I have watched The View welcome Rosie O'Donnell and I think she's doing fine. She actually makes me like Joy a little more. I have witnessed the Today show welcome Meredith and I miss Katie. Project Runway came to an end, I still think Jeffrey cheated. I know, it's lame watching so much TV, but please take into consideration that I have a baby in my arms while I'm watching these shows. All these programs do not hold a candle to Dancing With The Stars.
Now this was difficult for Bri and Jake cause they didn't watch this program. I even got Big Daddy watching it before I moved in with Bri and Jake. Jake likes The Contender and I won't let them put on Flavor Flav when I'm there. Brianne also has an extensive array of movies that she enjoys watching. She at least is utilizing her brain in actually watching creative films from time to time. I had to talk them into putting Dancing With the Stars on. Then I had to listen to Bri diss Mario. What! I love Mario, and so do my sisters. (The Aunt Farm) I know that every Tuesday night Aunt Judy, Aunt Janet, Aunt Jeanie and myself are watching the same show. The first Tuesday I was with Bri and Jake the phone rang right after Mario danced. It was Aunt Judy raving about his performance. Bri lost it. We also like Emmett and we have decided Joey Lawrence is going for the gay vote. Hello can you play any more George Michael songs to dance to? And the last competition Joey's shirt was the most drag queen thing I had ever seen. His eyebrows are just a little too perfect. Joey's partner seems to be compensating for her lack of dancing skills with skimpier and skimpier costumes. We women see through that, little lady! Now I feel bad about talking about Little Joey Lawrence cause I loved him when he was on Nell Carters show, and of course on Blossom. And he is sooo wanting to please the judges. It makes me nervous.
I actually even liked watching Jerry Springer. He was kind of a Jerry Lewis, Bob Hope silly dancing. And the whole learning how to dance , so he could dance with his daughter at her wedding. It really bought him another week. Hello ...who is marrying this girl? Jerry, can you help this girl get a makeover? You have money. Although she looks just like him, she's Jerry in a wig.
Getting back to Mario. Brianne cannot get over him. There is something about him cheating on his wife after two weeks of marriage. And she can't get past the AC Slater thing from Saved by The Bell. Then there's his dimples, I can't get over those. He exudes sex, and that's just what we old bags want. He is really good. He just dances with confidence, and he is really fit!
My vote goes to Emmett cause he really is a mans man, he has rhythm and he looks like he is having fun. That Carrie Ann the judge is wanting to jump his bones. He he, do I need to get a life? This is what I am reduced to. And I am dragging Brianne with me kicking and screaming. All in good fun. The bad thing is ...it takes up two nights of TV, sorry kids. Part of my perks with my job is watching Dancing With The Stars on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I will be getting my two week performance appraisal, from my little boss ... Abe, and meanwhile I am critiquing my dancers and comparing notes with my sisters .

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Beauteous Wedding

We had our trip to Youngstown for our niece's wedding. Now the people I know here in Jasper think I am lying about all the weddings we have been attending. We have just had a big run on them these last four years. I love it. I love the planning, the showers the dresses, flowers, all of it. The better I know the couple the more insight I have to the preparations that makes the day even more special.
Samantha and Pat's wedding was just that. We saw this celebration coming together over the past months. Sam made the candles that were the favors, the bottles of wine that were made by Sam's brothers with the labels that had caricature of the wedding couple (that Pat had designed) I thought I was prepared to attend a beautiful celebration. Well I was wrong. It surpassed my expectations. Samantha was stunning. The wedding ceremony was probably the most personal I have ever attended. The priest being groom's Uncle really made the Mass very special and personal. A French horn that played when Samantha and her dad came down the isle and the bagpipes while leaving the church. I loved the music, the Irish blessing was sung, and Ave Maria, which is my favorite.
Grandma looked like she was fifty and Joyce looked like Samantha's sister, not her mother. Everyone was very glamorous.I really think they all had a great time and loved the whole day. The reception was huge. The cookie table went on forever. When the couple truly love each other everyone at the wedding feels it.
Every time we turned around we saw someone we knew when we were kids. I went to highschool with several of Pat's Aunts and Uncles and many of the people that went to our grade school were friends with Joyce and Sam. It was great seeing friends we hadn't seen for twenty five years.
It was little Abe's big outing and he did fine, Auntie Judy helped us out there, with her bum foot and all. He had his mini J crew outfit on, which I am sure over heated him, but we didn't torture him for long. He hung with Aunt Judy in his comfy T-shirt and sweat pants. As always these weddings are over too quickly and you don't want it to end. I can't wait to see the pictures.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Granny 9-1-1

Well we have all survived the first and almost second week of my granny duties with little Abe. I think the baby is doing great. He is smiling, eating, peeing and pooping. All the things a little eight week old babe should do. Now Mommy and Daddy are the ones that I worry about. Their lives have been turned upside down and inside out with this baby boy. Honestly, I don't think anyone of us realized what an undertaking parenthood is until you do it. Us old bags have forgotten the uncertainty, the sleeplessness, and the learning curve that goes along with parenthood. God love these two . I love how they just adore this little guy. The first thing each of them do when they get home is grab the kid. How hard it must be for them to leave every day. I love how he knows his parents and just cuddles up when each one of his parents have him. The kid knows his Mommy and Daddy. How fortunate I am to have this special time with Abe. I just finished my rendition of Rocky raccoon (minus the Bud-light, so I knew all the words) while rocking him in the rocking chair. He is sound asleep. I should be taking a shower, but I am blogging instead. I am a sight, sort of scary, right up there with the Halloween season, Witch Jillsy. I just wish we lived next door so I could do this forever.
Ozzie is taking all of this in stride. He kind of waits for Jake to give him a treat, and he has learned to share is bed with me. He has become a protector for ABE, Bri and Jake whenever anyone new comes to the house. He misses being the main attraction of his parents, but I do not see any jealousy what so ever. He takes what he gets.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Flat Stanley Gone Wild

Monday, October 09, 2006

I Love Pink

Okay, it's breast cancer awareness month so I turned back to pink. I remember every October that I go for my Mammogram. That's a good thing. We women all should do that , but sometimes life gets in the way and we forget. I also schedule my physical at this time of year, so I get everything taken care of. I am seeing a new physician, cause I wasn't all cracked up about the last one. I think it's very important to have a decent relationship with your doctor. God knows, there are things that could happen now that I am over forty..., so I am seeing a new Physician that is just starting her practice. This is a strategy of mine, she is just starting up so she will be more attentive and want to do a good job.And be totally up on all the newest what,if we live here many more years, she will pay attention and be more aware of her first patients. That's just my theory...I'll let you know if it actually happens.

I just miss my previous Docs that really knew me and Rob and our kids well. They just seem to really take care of us. I miss that. I knew that my Dr. Brown would make sure that me and my family were healthy. He never left a question unturned, but he would always follow up with me and make sure I felt comfortable with the outcome. I didn't get that drift from the Doc I just left, she seemed distracted and not very thorough. I want someone that gives a rats ass what happens to me, or at least makes me feel that way when I'm in her office. So here I go again starting over. But I think now is the time to do it, while I am basically healthy and don't have any critical problems. Just the getting older problems that are annoying. I want to go to someone , so they know what I'm like before I get too old and crochety, and that may be too late.

What is it with women , that we wait and live through stupid pain that you really don't need to put up with cause we don't want to be wimps. I had abdominal pain for years. It was always once a month and so I attributed it to menstrual problems. No! It was endometriosis. I put up with it for years. Finally , I had it taken care of boom ...gone forever, who needs pain? I had a bad foot for years...finally had that taken care of , bad example, that still hurts...won't do that again. Okay enough of the aches and pains of a middle aged woman. I am going to have my physical...and everyone of my female friends need to have a Mammo this month. It's a good thing. Breast cancer has touched many of my friends and family lives. It's important, Just do it.

Monday, October 02, 2006


As I predicted there was cloudiness and sprinkles all day Saturday. Friday and Sunday were beauteous. What ever it's tradition to be wet when we have gatherings. Everyone came in shifts ,John and Whitney Robby and Brook on Friday,Carolyn and Steve and Debs Saturday morning. Bebe and Jim later on, and had their travel horror story, cause there is no easy way to get to Jasper. God forbid there is a wreck, cause there one way out and one way in.The Becks came in time for the game. Yet, we all had a great visit. Tons of food, lots of football and plenty of beer. I even went to bed fairly early on Friday to rest up for all the festivities on Saturday. I can't do two nights in a row any more. One just about kills me. Well unless there is an ocean involved.
We had it all, we celebrated Carolyn's birthday, and the Kinnett's 30th. Anniversary.The guys played golf, and we watched football. IU got creamed, ND won over Purdue, and then there was the Hawkeyes and Buckeyes.....Well we know how that ended, but everyone had fun, even the Iowa fans.

John and Rob played guitar later on, and Robby sang.I didn't know their songs, but I still enjoyed them. Carolyn and I were in our glory. Robby's dog Sidney added excitement every chance she got. Eating Hurkey Hawkeye feathers, snacking on bruchetta and pizzettes, and finding random items throughout the house to displace, eg. steak knives and Cabbage Patch dolls. (Which really freaked out big Rob cause "Richie Omar" is not much smaller than little Abe, so Richie spent the rest of the weekend on top of my China Closet. I sort of like him there. I going to start a new decorating trend with Cabbage Patch dolls....they're not just for kids any more! Every desperate housewife in Jasper will have to have one on their China Hutch.

I hope Robby's friend Brook wasn't too traumatized by the crazy weekend, she seemed to hang in there. When Rob was running around the house with his Ohio State flag after the game she looked at Robby and said , I could see you doing that. So now,I guess she has an insight to "our ways" which could be sort of nutsie if you aren't used to us. The group has had years to be this way, so ya gotta cut us slack. It was fun. And I didn't want it to end. So when each person left on Sunday I was sad. But guess what, we are seeing everyone in two weeks at the IU vs Iowa game. So I can wait two weeks.

I just want to mention my Buckeyes that I made. They really did suck, but it was not my fault. I was informed that I had a faulty recipe. Curse the internet. I have always trusted the recipes there. Never again!