Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Friday, December 16, 2011

I Found This Picture Of Robby's 2nd. B-day

But how Hi-lar-i-ous is this that it's the middle of winter and here is this little girl in a summer hat on December 15th, God bless her independant little heart. And I just want to give a little shout out to her parents, Jillsy and Rob who were absolutely Okay with Miss Bri's get -up for her brother's birthday gathering. Our son, who adores his sis, loves everything she does, hair, hat smile, whatever. As he should. They are brother and sister forever. She was so happy to have a happy birthday party for her brother.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Shopping Christmas 2011

Tis the season to be shopping and all that rot, FA lalala la,lalalala! Well this granny, has lost the lust for shopping. You know I already have my WalMart anxiety, and from the looks of the E-mails that I have received over the years I am not the only one who has a phobia with WalMart.
(Little sidebar of the Jeanie visit. She wanted to go to WalMart on the Friday after Thanksgiving to look for a Cd she wanted. I just looked at her like a deer in headlights. Do you know what you are saying to me? Which she did not.(That would absolutely put me over the edge of psychotic shopping-dom.) No, we did not go to WalMart on Black Friday, we went to see the Muppet Movie with a 3 year old and a 5 year old, so that was probly at Jeanie's worst nightmare. Sorry Jean, as for me it was in heaven,when Sam sang Ma-num-ma-na at the end , it just took me back to when Bri watched the Moppets on TV. At least we all got all the popcorn and Sprite we could absolutely handle. Then we all went home to find we had no milk. Sam and Abe need milk. So I pulled out without looking and proceeded to plow into Bri and Jakes car. Yay! Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas to all. My bad, I hate that when that happens. It did happen to me actually back in 1985 and Rob had a new car, and I was in a hurry and didn't look and just pulled out and wham! MADE ME SICK!
Any who back to shopping. When did shopping get so crazy. All I wanted to get was a gift card from Victoria Secrets(spoiler alert) well I get in line. This young chick comes up to me Mame, you need to get to the end of the line. First of all, I know I am older, whatevs, the Mame thing hit me wrong, I guess it was the way she said it. So I looked around and thought I moved behind the person I needed to. Mame, YOU NEED TO GET TO THE END OF THE LINE! Holy smokes, obviously I am not getting where the end of the line is... I went to Catholic school, I follow rules, I am really not trying to cut. Then it hit, after her rudeness. DOES THIS CHIC KNOW WHO SHE IS DEALING WITH? Mame the line is to the right. I look to the right, I see NOthing........ In the other store to the RIGHT. Up against the wall there is a line of people, that travels to the main store, I am in a line of people,then there is a Disney world type line back forth,back forth, to the freaking cash register. DO NOT TICK ME OFF. How was I to know that there was a line that started in another store. She pissed me off. I am older.....I walked away. I can get this gift card on-line. End of story.
My point is, you have an elderly or older or not a person who is 21, if they need some direction, just be nice.
FYI customer service , usually older people have money to spend.

Friday, December 02, 2011

Happy Bithday Son

It's Robby's B-Day Month

Happy Big 3-0 Robby! Your Uncle Jim started the traditition of the, "BEER TOYS"just didn't know it.

Happy Birthday Robby!

Holy Crap! You are thirty years old! You are giving your mother a heart attach! Okay but honestly you were the sweetest little boy. When you were born back in the day....we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl, it was all hokus pokus stuff, but I knew you were a boy.
You were busy from the start, and I sorta had some experience by already having one child, so I wasn't as psycho "I was intuitive". Although , when it came time to deliver,there were complications, and your neck kept stretching backwards. The Doc decided to take you by C-section. That freaked your Dad out, hence no more brother and sisters. Evidently there was a chance that you would be paralyzed from the neck down,( which no one told me, till after you were born) and we did not want to chance that again.
From the beginning you were hyper-hypo. I do not know if I told you, I am not sure about the whole turning over and sleeping thing but you definitely WALKED AT 9 Months ! I think you really slept all night at 6 months,and turned over at 6 months. You know, your father and I thought you were quite advanced. I knew were an athlete, cause you were so busy. You just wore me out. Up at dawn, no naps, but crashed when you were done.
Robby, I want you to know that you have such a good heart, you make me laugh and you are so precious to me. You helped me understand your father, and you have given me a gift of my little boy in his superman suit will always be my hero. And when we have moved several times you always found friends and and made it work for you. That was not an easy thing.
I will never forget on the day you were born both Grandmas thought that you were the spitting images of the sons that they both had had . I just want to tell you that, that is the most magnanimous compliment that you could ever receive from a grandma. They see their sons in YOU! That' s very special. I, stupid and fat and pregnant... and well, very hormonal, and very not myself. I didn't know what an honor it was that both Grandma's claimed YOU,my baby, as theirs. I get it now.
As an adult, you have grown. Your best qualities of your being have come from your own growth and education. I am so proud of your hard work and studying.
Robby, I have left out so much of our lives, but you are and have been a very precious gift to this family. I love you so much, you have always been my sweet inspiration, and I love you , just the way you are . Love You Mom