Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Beach in a Blink

I am not sure if little Abe will remember his first trip to the Outer Banks, but I guarantee we all will. He got to spend a week with grandparents, his Uncle Rob, Great Aunts and Uncles, his second cousins(I think that's what they are), and most especially his Mommy and Daddy for a full week. It took him awhile to adjust to new house and strange faces, but when he saw he was entertainment, and had an audience for all of his little tricks, he was right at home.

The funniest thing was Abe's fascination with this animated purple froggy. I had given him to the girls last year when we were celebrating summer birthdays. He looks like a mini Barney, you know the big purple Dinosaur that has a show? The froggy is dressed like a rapper complete with sunglasses, over sized gold chain that says "FROGZ". He has bling bling ring, his cap sideways and a bandanna underneath. He sings it's your birthday, by Fifty Cen. The baby loved it, and hopped on his knees just like the frog when he sang, and then yelped out EEEEEEEE! with one arm in the air when the music was done. That in turn sent the four girls into laughter. And we did it again and again. By the end of the week Abe knew how to press the button himself. Also by the end of the week Abe walked across the room, and when he got the Yay!!!! clap clappy reaction, he did it more and more. How special was that?

The first night we arrived and next day were questionable with fierce winds that did not let up. So we improvised with the umbrellas sideways to block the wind, but that was harsh for the baby. Sand blowing in eyes is not fun. Luckily that windy time passed just as clouds shift quickly off and on the ocean. Every other day was gorgeous.

We didn't have the giant crew this year that I am sure changed up the dynamics of our week. But it was sort of nice to have a week of family and really enjoying our relatively small group . The girls are so grown up now, and ride the waves like pros. There was a sense of relaxation from their parents that I have not seen in previous years. The cycle has begun. I reminisced with Jerry, Jim, JoLynn and Caroline how hard it was to have a baby on vacation. They all agreed that they didn't miss those difficult days. The bottom line was that they were on vacation with their little ones. This year the girls were much more independant and their parents were able to relax and actually enjoy the beach. It reminded me that our kids were the girls' ages, when baby Jaci came for the first time. It has been a precious gift that we all have shared this week together on and off over the years. I know that for me, I would have not had the relationship with Jaci, Jenn, Cassie and Mackenzie if they hadn't come. We played games and told stories. The girls set up a TV room for their sleeping quarters with their mothers help. That was new, for all these years the parents had the girls sleep in their bedrooms on the floor. Not exactly ideal for privacy. So everyone made some consolations over the years in order to spend a week.

Harry Potter was a big part of this year's vacation. Cassie and Robby both had books. Everyone else was stealing them when they were not reading. We all wanted to know the ending to the final episode of Harry. This was my first year I actually finished a book on vacation. So I think that was a new accomplishment. I usually can not keep focused long enough to finish a chapter. Ummm , maybe I am growing up.

We had Bocce and Corn hole games. That was fun to play on the beach. The guys even played on the driveway at night under the lights. We had a mystery of the missing corn-bag. In which Rob found a day later. It had turned out a critter must have stolen it and dragged it next door to the neighbors lawn. It was chewed on one corner, and half the kernels eaten. So for future folks keep your corn bags inside away from nocturnal creatures that are hungry for corn kernels.

The sky was bluer than I remember, the food tasted better than my diet would allow. My legs are weaker in the waves ( that was even minus the afternoon beers) and I had sand in every orifice of my body but didn't mind. The week flew by so fast. I missed my Yaya sisters very much. There is magic in our ritual of sitting together on the beach as the sun goes down with a favorite beverage. I am so looking forward to that next year.

Each year is different and each year is special and the most important thing is each year keeps happening. There are so many good memories to hold onto and I pray many more to come. I told the girls when I am old....I mean older than I am now, with my walker, I still want to have fun with them. And then I can say whatever I want, cause I'll be old and I will be able to get away with it, no one will care. Cassie said, I think you say whatever you want right now, I said I know, but I mean I can swear and stuff. And she said Aunt Jill, you have done plenty of that this week. I have?, I hadn't noticed.....Ooops.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

EEEE! The Ocean is Fun

I must admit that this year was the best year ever. And here was just one of the big fat reasons.