Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Sunday, September 09, 2007


Yay Hoosiers! It is football season again. I have gotten to enjoy college football , (really I have no choice) and I am so excited about IU this year. I hope they can keep on winning and make it to one of the Bowls . Here is BaBa Louie wearing his crimson supporting his Uncle Robby's Alma Mater. Little Abe is an equal opportunity sport's fan. He has various little shirts, hats and even bibs giving good luck to any given team or school. Professional Football is another story......the boy has only one to choose from.

Anywho congrats to the Hoosiers, hope this year will be a winning season.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Happy Birthday To You

We're gonna party like it's your birthday. We're gonna party like it's your birthday. I don't know if Abe was ready for all these adults watching him eat his cupcake. Well, Abe made it through his first year, or should I say Mommy and Daddy survived. I really believe the first birthday is a celebration more for the parents than the baby. (The kid doesn't know what's going on.) They have actually experienced a full year of parenthood. So the parents don't get a diploma or a trophy. They just have a party with all their grown up friends and let the kid have sugary frosting for the first time and then make a giant mess. That's their reward for late night feedings, breathing treatments, trips to doctor, and teething issues.

There are many more rewards to come and many more scary things too. But for Jake and Brianne it was another celebration for the life that they brought into this crazy world. I can not say it enough, they are doing such a great job. In their home there is lots of love and plenty of laughter , a few tears .....but they get hugged away quickly.