Anywho congrats to the Hoosiers, hope this year will be a winning season.
I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.
We're gonna party like it's your birthday. We're gonna party like it's your birthday. I don't know if Abe was ready for all these adults watching him eat his cupcake.
Well, Abe made it through his first year, or should I say Mommy and Daddy survived. I really believe the first birthday is a celebration more for the parents than the baby. (The kid doesn't know what's going on.) They have actually experienced a full year of parenthood. So the parents don't get a diploma or a trophy. They just have a party with all their grown up friends and let the kid have sugary frosting for the first time and then make a giant mess. That's their reward for late night feedings, breathing treatments, trips to doctor, and teething issues.