My Mother's Day

I think that I started really getting close to my Mom when I had Bri. I would always stop after my appointments and let her feel the baby move. She couldn't believe that I was that uninhibited with my body. See what I mean, what the hell, she was my Mom , I wasn't asking a total stranger to feel my baby kick. She was from a different generation, very private. Whatever! I loved everything about being pregnant. She really opened up emotionally during those years.
When Brianne was 3Months old, my Doctor found that Bri had a dislocated hip. She would kick and her little leg would go in and out of the socket. So I took the baby to the orthopedic doctor. He gave me this horrible scenario of first trying a brace, then if that didn't work surgery and a body cast for six months to a year . Well, I was a mess. Mac ( that's my Mom)comes with me when we get little Brianne fitted for this brace, that looked like a harness and held her legs pulled up, so they would stay in her hip socket. It looked horrendous, but Mac calmed me down. She asked the doctor really good questions. Can we take the baby out for baths, will this slow down her physical development, how do we clean the brace? Things I never thought of. On the ride home Brianne just cried and cried in her car seat, and Mom stayed calm. I was ready to cry my eyes out, but my Mom made me feel better. We made it back to Mom's house about noon and we dicussed more about how the brace was going to fix Bri right up. Three months would fly by. Then Mom said , Let's have a beer. It cracked me up.It was only noon. She was all calm , cool, collected, but not really. She held it together for me.
The outcome of the brace therapy worked. Although Brianne did break the brace three different times during that three months. If it would have broken one more, we would have had to purchase a whole new one.The Doctor said that had never happened before. I was so proud of my little brace breaking baby. That was not slowing her down. As for her development, she stood up in her crib one week after the brace was removed. She was six months old. If you ask her today, she will gladly click her hip for you. So there are some after effects from her infant days, but as she grew Bri was involved in gymnastics, track, and swimming with no complications, so I'd say it was successful.
I could count on Mom's advice, support or to make me laugh about a situation that maybe was too serious. When we moved away from Youngstown I missed that. Looking back now, I realize we were not far away at all. When Robby was born I remember the two Grandmas saying how he looked just like their own sons. Which really is a great compliment. Well now we know who Robby looks just like an Allen, NOT. He's the splitt'n image of his Daddy. (just as Bri) Oh well, they both have a little bitty bit of me too.
I do not know if my hormones are whacky(well they are) but this Mother's Day weekend was a killer for me.It started off on Friday on Regis and Kelly. They were doing all these wonderful things for these Mothers who just have really giant hardships,I mean BIG, like loosing children,a mother being shot by robbers and left paralyzed,you get the picture. I was crying for the whole hour. Not only was I crying my eyes out, but I just could not turn it off. I was glued to that TV. I then proceeded to cry through commercials. That little kid on the Mac Donald's commercial that dances while he eats.You know...move to the left....Charlie Brown.... I just thought he was so cute...and so I cried.
I received a package in the mail from my cousin in Florida and was very surprised. When I opened it, there were several things of my Aunt Mary's, who passed away recently and a very sweet note. My Aunt Mary was my Mom's sister who never married.The items are not expensive, but they are very sweet. The fact that my cousin took the time to put these things together and send them, blew me away. So of course I became teary eyed again.
On Saturday off we go to Indy to attend Ericka's wedding. And I am just a sap for weddings. I just love them, this was so beautiful. Ericka is Quaker, and it was a beautiful ceremony. The readings were done by couples, Ericka's two sisters and their husbands. Which I thought was very touching and meaningful.And just seeing these beautiful girls walk down the isle brings tears to my eyes. And really they aren't girls they are young women and just so pretty. Ericka was absolutely breathtaking. And it just kills me that I knew Ericka and a few of the bridesmaids when they were just fifteen years old, and they are all grown up.I cried when they said their vows, and I cried when both Mothers came down the isle. I am not close to these ladies, but I know how they feel.
The reception was so much fun. And I loved dancing with Bri, and of course my buddy Carolyn. Keenan looked so cute, our little mother-to-be.She was glowing. Jake just cracks me up, and Robby and Sara were wedding crashers...later. Much later.
At the end Ericka's Mom came over and gave us Mothers centerpieces to take home. They were beautious! Roses and hydrangeas, they smelled so good.
I missed my Abram, but he called me later...Baba!!!!And that's okay too, Bri and Jake had a special weekend of much needed adult time. And I am sure Grandma Pat had a ball. We must share our Baba-Louie.
I got to see my kids one more time before going home on Sunday at lunch which was very fun too. (I didn't cry there.)