Happy Big 6-OH! Judy

When I was growing up I had three older sisters to look up to. JoEllen , who is smart and athletic, Jan who is beautiful and insightful, and Judy who was a tripple threat, smart, athletic and hilarious! I could listen to Judy all day long telling stories and never stop laughing. She could make a sad story into a sitcom when she's done. Her quick wit, and big smile turns me around in a second. I love how she makes everyone feel welcome, and makes every occasion special. If she isn't there she is sorely missed.
Happy Birthday Big sis. You light up a room, by just walking in. I always wanted to be just like you, but there is only one Jude. You make sixty look like the new forty. We have many more years to laugh and tell stories about. That is a good thing. That we all love to be together, and still have fun that is a great thing.