Weekend at Baba and Rob's was finally here! I know,I know, we just had them all for Thanksgiving and that was awesome, but I was so looking forward to having those young'uns all to ourselves. Abe is so grown up now. He is all of four years old. He just seems to have stretched out and turned into this thoughtful little man. Sam has turned into a little tottler that loves balls. He has to touch everything and has his own language that describes everything he touches. He throws a word in every so often that you actually know like BALL,no,mine,BaBa,cookie,poop, all the main ones.
Friday night went well,
met Jake in Bloomington and the kids ate there.Abe was so worried that it was getting dark and he had to go to bed,but he wanted to stay up with Rob by himself. He did,then looked at me and said I feel like I might cry, cause I miss my Mama and Daddy. I said would you like me to lay down with you till you fall asleep? That was good, he said he needed Woody too.The next morning Rob's company reserved the Movie Theater for all the employee's children. They had every movie at the theater all morning so at 7:30 AM Rob and Abe were off to see Mega Mind and have all popcorn and Sprite he could handle. Ain't Christmas grand? Meanwhile Sam and I kicked a soccer ball, threw baseballs,footballs and played Hallmark animated Christmas displays. We had a blast.
When Abe asked for fish sticks I did have a little worry, but he settled for chicken nuggets....dodged a bullet there, Baba. There were many special moments one was when Abe turned to me and said Baba I'm your special angel. I said well, yes you are how did you know that? He said cause you told me that before. My heart melted.
Abe spent his Saturday coloring and me cutting all his Toy Story characters, then Sunday morning Abe reenacting the movie for me. Quite creative , I thought.Sam is great, he is a little tornado, but then he also still takes naps, so you get some time to breathe, and then he is up again.Go,Go,Go,then as soon as he sits, he falls asleep.He's so funny.
Sunday morning seemed to come so fast, but Sam was up at 5:00, and Abe at 5:30. A tad bit early for old Baba. On the way to meet Bri we found out why Sam would not eat breakfast,the old puke city in the backseat for ride to Bloomington.Too much parenting reality for me.
Here we are in our empty house, that looks like we had one rocking party for the weekend.Our bodies ache and my head hurts, but my heart aches more cause I miss those two already. They really see life in their own sweet little eyes.Can't wait to see them in three weeks.