Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Kitchen Woo-hoo!

Well we have our kitchen all torn up and that's just what I have wanted for the last 7 years. there's a reason why we haven't attempted this project I actually realize now.... I truly believe our marriage could not withstand the stress and pressure of this household makeover.How do people build homes? Lordy Knows that the decision mKing alone could cUes a divorce.
Don't get me wrong I am thrilled to have a new kitchen, the whole process is very difficult. I t isn't as fun as all my desperate housewives' friends made it iut to be.
Maybe it's just mr and rob..... Could it be that after 34 years of wedded bliss the whole kitchen makeover is gonna break us. No......we have made it through worst.... Not really, this is pretty challenging. .

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Mothers Deserve Valentines

Well it's February and I am way over the Valentine thingy,but Mommies deserve Valentines. I have had my share of cards, little gifts and dinners. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate all recognition of St. Valentines. No matter what age or time in our lives it is. But my little observation and retrospect of life, mothers REALLY need Valentines Day.Mothers more so than high school sweethearts,college love bugs or, twenty somethings romantic face book friends. Mothers and fathers, especially parents of babies and tottlers need Valentines.
Cause when you get up at five A M with a teething baby,carry a little one who has just thrown up, or had to put your little four year old in time out, and just happen to burn dinner, you need a special Valentine something, something. It doesn't have to be a big fat ring or anything.......,a card, a rose, or just a thank you, will do the trick. FYI it will come back to the guy ten fold. Does anybody give out this knowledge? The hardest time to be a parent are the baby years.So just to let all you youn'uns know, it does get easier.baby was one year old. So Bri, I give you big fat Kudos for all you have endured with your little sweetumms, both of them. One is not as easy as one, and you have done an awesome job. You really could not have done such a great job without your hubby, who I love just like another son.
I just want to say that any mother that is a working Mom I really have empathy for. You have to separate from your little ones, and then you deal with all the daycare stuff. I worked part time, and didn't go back to work until Robby was one, I never had to leave a baby at daycare.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Hot Sauce Lady

I just want to say when I saw that video of the mother making her son swish hot sauce in his mouth for a minute due to getting in trouble at school for throwing pencils, then lying about it made me sick. Listening to his young voice answer her questions, this was not a middle school kid that is out of control, this is a little kid.This little guy was 7 years old. You couldn't see his face,but I saw the mothers, she looked totally crazed. Then when she put him in the shower, and made him turn the cold shower on himself,I was nauseated. The boy 's crying just made me so scared for him. Who does that? She asked him why he lied, he said because he didn't want to get in trouble. Hell yea, I would definitely lie if I knew I had to face her wrath.
This lady has six kids. A ten year old was taping this scene. I was so frightened viewing this, can you imagine living in this environment, and watching this lady discipline up close? The total last straw was when the mother said she would punish this little guy, and he just looked at her, and she said, as if he's saying what else you got? He didn't say that. That was her interpretation of his face?
I just think that a mother that does this, takes a video, shares it on national TV show has no clue of the monster she is, and definitely needs help. And this child is adopted from Russia. What's up with that? She has 6 kids. this is the only child that gives her problems? What has she done to the other kids? I will be paying attention to the outcome of this whole situation.