I have to dedicate a blog to Elizabeth Taylor. I grew up watching her movies, and she really was an American icon. Not that her lifestyle would be one that you would actually want to live up to. I think she was married 8 times. I remember in grade school, we would get to watch National Velvet on Fridays, as a treat. {I am sure it was a treat for the teachers to not have to have classes on Friday afternoons. } Miss Taylor passed away and she definitely left a mark on the movie industry. And who in the 80's didn't get her Diamonds perfume for Christmas? She was certainly a beautiful lady, and in the latter years made some definitely bold moves, with her activism of AIDS and then with her friendship with Michael Jackson that to me was very odd, but I think she related to him through the childhood fame thing. Or was it his infatuation with her? Who knows, they were friends,,,,creepy or not. How could they be normal? Even adults can't live with fame. There are plenty of examples of kids that are screwed up from the childhood fame thing. Hello Lindsey? Honestly I think Liz handled everything pretty well.(Other than the 8 marriages, which is what the nuns had a cow over in grade school.)I also think that Elizabeth had scenes in some movies that were a little R rated. You know if you compare her to some of the celebs now....they don't get married , but they definitely have relationships that would be considered back in the 50's and 60's like marriages. They live together and have babies.
Whatever, I actually do not know every movie she was in. I actually was not a Liz die hard fan. I just think she was someone worth remembering for her day, and my day growing up she was prominent. Goodbye Miss Taylor you were a gem.