Jill's jingles

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Location: jasper, indiana

I'm a real tuff cookie with a long history of breaking hearts. Just kidding that's a Pat Benetar song.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Baba"s Boys

Well, we have all met little Samson, and I think he's going to be a little feisty guy. He already does not like to have his diaper changed, he screams and fusses when you change his little clothes. He kicks and flails his arms till he gets his food. He is definitely going to be heard from A LOT.
Big brother Abe did a good job of welcoming the baby by sharing several of Abe's own little toys. Piling them gently on his brother's feet, almost like Gold, Frankincense and Muir. We would turn around and find another little present at Sam's feet. Didn't see Abe sharing any of his Thomas trains though. The boy is absolutely obsessed with Thomas. It took me a few days to finally get a grip on the differences in all the Thomases. There's Thomas Christmas ornament, Thomas top of second birthday cake, Thomas whistle, Thomas battery operated,Little Thomas,Wooden Thomas,Remote control Thomas, Bathtub Thomas. He knows all of them. I got to the point, I just gathered every single one and put them on his shelf, cause I didn't know the difference between them, I sure do now! Baba is a slow learner, but once I get it...I sure as hell got it. I also learned to master, Bri and Jake's extensive video system, and Abe is not as patient with me has he has been in the past. He had a lot to deal with, his Mommy and Daddy were at the hospital for almost 4 days, there was going to be another little person coming home with them, and I should know by now how to set up his DVR! Thank goodness the weather warmed up , and playing in the sand is more my speed, I can handle a shovel and a bucket. It will be so fun to watch Samson grow, I think he looks like Abe, very subtle differences. Just glad he's here safe and sound!

Thursday, April 09, 2009

Happy Easter!

Jan, Jo Mom, Me Judy John first row Jeanie Jerry Okay this picture was probly 1966. I don't know where Griff was, but my Dad must have been taking the picture, that's why he's not in it. This picture is actually Jerry's and Jeanie's First Communion , besides being Easter. They seemed to combine holidays with sacraments at our Church. Mother's Day was the same thing,Confirmations, First Communions, May crowning, they all ran together. I'm pretty sure Jo and Jan were in college,in the picture, Judy still in high school.

So Abe is having the Easter Bunny at his house this year. He really doesn't know who the Easter Bunny is, he really doesn't know who Santa Claus is. He's just going with the flow, and tries to react to things that he thinks the big people will like. Santa is cool, and gives everyone gifts , and ya gotta be good. Should I tell him that,Come on the Easter Bunny is a Lam-O Holiday guy. Who cares if you get hard boiled eggs. Abe doesn't even fully understand about Santa ....do you think Abe's gonna get that a bunny leaves eggs, and you look for a basket that has candy,and maybe a toy? Abe's not even comprehending that he's going to have a new brother.... and hello, that's giant. I think his parents should do a Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth Fairy,and Thomas the Train conference to help him through this getting a little brother thing. It's going to be a rude awakening. Hello, he has been the main attraction for almost 3 years. Then this newbie comes along. What's up with that?

I just think for that first born it has got to be trauma, having someone else come along to share all the attention of your parents. For me, well I was just number five of eight. I guess for JoEllen it was tuff.For sure we all survived, and we all turned out okay, but there is always that time that you can never get back. That was the time that you were brand new and so special. I will make sure that Abe feels special for being my first Grandson. When my little grandson # 2 is born, I will make sure he knows how precious he is to us. Cause every kid makes a place in our lives, and changes who we are. So what the hell does that have to do with the Easter Bunny? Well, it's close to Easter and I am worried about my girl having her baby, and we're going to see them, and I'm worried that Abe will be okay with his brother, and I want Bri to have a healthy happy delivery, and I want Jake to be calm and healthy too. So here comes Easter, but what I'm really thinking about is my new grandson and their family and I know they will be wonderful.
I'm just Grandma Psycho Worrier.

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Is this a tropical paradise or a dream? It truly was such a beautiful sunset, that I could experience it everyday for the rest of my life. We took so many pictures of the sunsets, I have been dreaming about them ever since we came home. I will never tire of this glorious scene. Especially upon our return home, the weather has been so up and down , with tornadoes, snow and freezing temperatures, that I feel like we went to the absolute perfect get away.

We tried to go to some different places for music. Buffalo Bill's where they have a mechanical bull, and a dance place which was totally hoopping. Yes, we danced! There were ladies there celebrating their 50th birthdays, and the one thought Rob was Jimmy Smitts. Oh yes, he liked her! Whatever!

We ran into a Nascar guy, who was very nice. And word hit the island that Kenny Chesney had made a surprise appearance at one of the bars. We missed it. I kept my eyes peeled for Jimmy Buffett, no luck.

I probly ate too much, drank too much( just one night) and got too much sun, but that's what vacation is all about. Let's go back.

Friday, April 03, 2009


Key West is still there and now we are here, and it was very difficult to leave. What fun while it lasted!

I think we just feel like we are in another country, but everyone speaks English.Well, the majority of people do. We probly ate too much, imbibed too much,( just one night) and got too much sun. Isn't that what a vacation is? We walked everywhere, so there see, we got exercise.

I read three books, and with my attention deficit issues, that's giant. We really enjoy the restaurants and music. It's just a party every night.

Then when we came back home, it was pretty cold and the snow began to spit through the clouds on Sunday. It was the rude awakening back to reality of Indiana. For a few short days we were in paradise. The music, the people and all the worries of every day life were gone. That's what vacation is supposed to be. I was worried that just me and Rob together would be a little boring. It was perfect.